24 Live Notices for Africa Excavating Earthmoving Work Tenders
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Landscaping works
Request For Expression Of Interest 2025: Pre-Qualification Of Service Providers To Partner In Fao Nigeria'S Various Thematic Interventions
Construction and assembly of playgrounds.
Provides Climate Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods
Provision of Extension of the evaporation pond of SD Beni Khedache
Development work on a 3ha market garden area in Virou in the commune of Boromo
Procurement forconstruction works of the Monument of the Nation in Nouakchott.
Procurement for Construction work for the monument to the Nation in Nouakchott
Provision of Work on the construction of the Bakuo vaccination park in the commune of NIABOURI
Provision of Completion of development work on two market garden areas with solar pumping of 1 ha in Kélindou and 0.75 ha in Poudiéné in the commune of Boura
Development of a two-hectare (02ha) market garden area in sector No. 1 of Batié
Procurement of services for the provision of landscaping maintenance at BURS head office for a period of 3 years
For Supply, Establish, Hire, Operate And De-Establish Earthmoving Equipment For The Rehabilitation Of Tpt Roads & Tpt Civil Maintenance In The Port Of Richards Bay
Dao 001/2025/Frbkf Bis - Travaux De Realisation Quatre (04) Serres Agricoles A Vocation Maraichere
Supply Landscaping and Sport Fields Maintenance Services for 60 months
Maintenance and development of green spaces
Provision of services for the development and maintenance of green spaces and supply and installation of natural grass and plants at HMRU/Constantine/5° RM.
Provision of landscaping services
Rehabilitation Works Of Rubuyenge - Burakari Marshland