15 Live Notices for Africa Optical Instruments Tenders
Showing 1 to 15
Provision Of Procurement, Delivery And Installation Of Various Intelligence And Surveillance Gadgets In Nairobi, Kenya.
Supply and Maintenance of Audio-Visual Equipment (Screens, Projectors and Video Conferencing Equipment)
Fourniture Et Livraison Des Lampadaires Solaires Dans Le Cadre Du Cvr À Ndele En République Centrafricaine (Fy 2024-2025).
Procurement Of Laptops, Desktop, Cameras And Tablets Complete With Accessories
Procurement, installation, testing, training and commissioning of computer library studio tools and equipment for Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics & procurement, installation, testing, training, and commissioning of furniture for Department of surveying and Geoinformatics
Provision for Maintenance of CCTV Cameras for 36 Months
Managed Print Services
Supply and delivery of Desktops, Laptops, Cameras and Audio recorders for a period of thirty-six (36) months for the |Khara$ Regional Council
Supply of Cameras (Video and Still) and other Related Accessories
Procurement of a multi-view microscope for training
Provision of Maintenance service of thermal cameras and supply of spare parts
Digital Camera
Lcd Projector
Projectors And Accessories For Swlt
The Supply Of Digital Projectors