72 Live Notices for Africa Plumbing Sanitary Tenders
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Provision of Service and maintenance of air conditioners
Provision of Service and maintenance of air conditioners
Supply of Air conditioners
Provision of Air conditioning maintenance services
Provision of Plumbing and sanitary maintenance services
Provision of Other maintenance and repairs (toilet emptying and sanitary plumbing)
Provision of Maintenance of air conditioners
Provision of Service, maintenance and repair of air conditioners
Provision of Upkeep and maintenance and repair of electrical, plumbing and sanitary networks
Acquisition and installation of air conditioners
Provision of Plumbing and electrical maintenance and servicing
Provision of Service and maintenance of air conditioners
Provision of Maintenance, repair and upkeep of plumbing circuits and devices of the Regional Center for University Works of Koudougou and its university residences
Provision of Maintenance, repair and upkeep of plumbing circuits and devices of the Regional Center for University Works of Bobo-Dioulasso and its university residences
Provision of Maintenance, repair and maintenance of plumbing circuits and appliances of the General Directorate of CENOU
Provision of Maintenance, repair and maintenance of plumbing circuits and appliances of the university residences of the Regional Center for University Works of Ouagadougou
Provision of Maintenance, repair and maintenance of air conditioners and electrical equipment of the Regional Center for University Works of Koudougou and its university residences
Provision of Maintenance, repair and maintenance of air conditioners and electrical equipment of the Regional Center for University Works of Bobo-Dioulasso and its university residences
Provision of Maintenance, repair and maintenance of air conditioners and electrical equipment of the General Directorate of CENOU
Provision of Maintenance, repair and maintenance of air conditioners and electrical equipment of the university residences of the Regional Center for University Works of Ouagadougou