111 Live Notices for Africa Vehicles Repair Maintenance Tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Provision for the Contracting of Vehicle Maintenance Services
Provision of maintenance and repair services for three (3) Ford Ranger vehicles and supply of accessories
Three (3) Year Contract for Third Party Garages for Supply of Fleet Repairs and Maintenance Services in North Eastern Region
Provision of Motor Vehicle Panel Beating, Body Works, Spray Painting, Repairs and Fittings Services
Provision of Vehicle Maintenance Services.
Maintenance and repair of means of transport of the D'UPW SOUK AHRAS car fleet
Maintenance and repair of vehicles in the DUPW AIN DEFLA fleet
Provision of Maintenance and repair of 2-wheeled vehicles for the Town Hall
Maintenance of two (02) wheeled vehicles
Maintenance of four (04) wheeled vehicles
Provision of Maintenance and repair of the two-person vehicle (02) three (03) and four (04)
Provision of Maintenance and servicing of 4-wheel vehicles
Provision of Maintenance and servicing of 3-wheel and 2-wheel vehicles
Provision of maintenance and servicing of four-wheeled vehicles and two-wheeled vehicles.
Contract for Third Party Garages for Supply of Fleet Repairs and Maintenance Services in North Eastern Region
Vehicles Service
Provision of maintenance and repair of four-wheeled vehicles
Provision of maintenance and repair of two-wheeled vehicles
Provision of maintenance and servicing of four-wheeled vehicles
Maintenance of two (02) wheeled vehicles