86 Live Notices for Algeria Industry Tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Study, Monitoring, Rehabilitation and Renewal of the Equipment of the 500-seat Auditorium of the Targa Ouzemour Campus, University of Bejaia
Supply and delivery of cleaning and maintenance products for the benefit of the Pasteur Institute of Algeria
Draft Contract For The Purchase Of Consumables For Computer Science
Demande D'Expression D'Intérêt (Dei) Pour Une Étude De Marché Pour L'Unicef Algérie
Media Monitoring, Social Listening, And Analysis Solutions
Supply of kitchen and refectory utensils
Supply of weights and measuring equipment
Supply of domestic and farmhouse heating equipment
Supply of fireplace equipment
Supply of infrastructure refrigeration equipment
Supply of bakery and pastry equipment
Supply of butcher's equipment
Supply of infrastructure and farmhouse kitchen equipment
Acquisition of IT equipment.
Supply of construction materials (Concrete) for: Works to restore the boundary wall including retaining structure + Works to construct sentry boxes and peripheral lighting in Tlemcen.
Provision of preventive and curative maintenance of assembly and production line equipment.
Acquisition of office items and supplies
Verification and recharging of the Saida fire extinguisher
Fire-Resistant Tanker Conversion Kits on CLASS G BA9 G350 d
Rental service for the transport of equipment, materials, personnel and handling for the benefit of the Operational Directorate of Telecommunications of Tizi Ouzou and its attached services (Purchase order contract)