7 Live Notices for Americas Joinery And Carpentry Tenders
Showing 1 to 7
Rfq-2024-369 - Adelaide Street North - Fence Replacement
Subject: Electronic Auction - Provision Of Preventive And Corrective Services In Building Installations, Involving Repairs, Recovery (Masonry, Weeding, Carpentry, Joinery, Metalwork, Painting, Plumbing And Equivalents) And Maintenance And Conservation Of Real Estate, With Provision Of Labor, Material, Tools And Necessary Equipment, To Be Carried Out At The Hemobrás Site, In Goiana / Pe
Rfp-2410327 - Barrier-Free Door System Preventative Maintenance And Services
2024-107 - High Security Fence For An Electrical Substation
Fin2024-248Q - Fence Installation And Repair Services
Hiring a specialized individual or legal entity to provide carpentry services with the supply, assembly and installation of furniture, including 02 wooden tables for the courtroom and 01 wooden
25-7703-Rfp - Design, Supply, And Installation Of New Playground - Millen Woods Public School