Latest Azerbaijan Entertainment and Media tenders. Discover new opportunities for Entertainment and Media tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan's entertainment and media (E&M) market is a rapidly growing sector, driven by increasing disposable incomes, rising urbanization, and a growing middle class. The market is expected to reach a value of USD 1.5 billion by 2026, up from USD 1.1 billion in 2021.
The Azerbaijan government is a major purchaser of entertainment and media products and services. In 2022, the government spent USD 50 million on E&M procurement, up from USD 40 million in 2021. The government procures a wide range of E&M products and services.
The main entertainment and media products and services procured by the Azerbaijan government are:
Television and radio broadcasting: The government procures a wide range of television and radio programming, including news, entertainment, and educational content.
Film and video production: The government procures films and videos for a variety of purposes, including education, promotion, and tourism.
Music production: The government procures music for a variety of purposes, including public events, ceremonies, and cultural programs.
Printing and publishing: The government procures a wide range of printed materials, including books, magazines, and brochures.
Digital media: The government procures digital media products and services, such as websites, social media content, and digital marketing campaigns.
The top authorities for Azerbaijan entertainment and media procurement are:
Ministry of Culture
State Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting
National Broadcasting Council
Agency for Press, Information and Mass Media
National Library of Azerbaijan
The top winners of Azerbaijan entertainment and media procurement are:
Azerbaijan Television (AzTV)
Azerbaijan State Radio (AzR)
Pasha Media Group
Garant Group
Azerbaijan Film Studio
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Azerbaijan entertainment and media tenders, Azerbaijan advertising tenders, film production tenders, Azerbaijan video production tenders, Azerbaijan photography tenders, Azerbaijan broadcasting services tenders, Azerbaijan media monitoring tenders, Azerbaijan public advertising tenders