Latest Azerbaijan Sports and Leisure tenders. Discover new opportunities for Sports and Leisure tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan's sports and leisure market is experiencing rapid growth, reaching an estimated $2.1 billion in 2023. This burgeoning sector caters to a population increasingly interested in health and wellness, with 75% participating in some form of physical activity.
The government plays a crucial role in fostering this growth, allocating $300 million in 2022 to sports and leisure initiatives. This investment focuses on developing infrastructure, supporting national teams, and promoting participation in various sports.
Main Sports and Leisure Products:
Sporting goods and equipment
Fitness center memberships
Outdoor apparel and footwear
Sportswear and apparel
Tickets to sporting events and cultural performances
Top Procured Sports and Leisure Products:
Construction and renovation of sports facilities
Equipment for schools and sports clubs
Sportswear and uniforms for national teams
Services for organizing and managing sporting events
Top Authorities for Sports and Leisure Procurement:
Ministry of Youth and Sports
Azerbaijan Olympic Committee
Local and regional authorities
Top Winners of Sports and Leisure Procurement:
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