Latest Belgium Printing and Publishing tenders. Discover new opportunities for Printing and Publishing tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Belgium.
The Belgian printing and publishing market is a mature and well-established industry, offering a wide range of services like book printing, magazine publishing, and commercial printing. The market is expected to see steady growth in the coming years, driven by demand for personalized printing and digital publishing solutions.
Market size: €5.6 billion
Growth rate: 1.2% (CAGR)
Key players: Roularta Media Group, De Persgroep, Mediahuis
The Belgian government is a significant buyer of printing and publishing services, procuring products and solutions to support its communication and administrative needs. This includes printing official documents, publications, brochures, and other materials, as well as exploring digital publishing solutions for efficient information dissemination.
Government spending: Over €500 million annually
Key procurement areas: Printing services, publications, digital publishing solutions
Main Printing and Publishing Products and Services Procured by Belgium Government
Printing services: Printing official documents, brochures, forms, and other materials needed for government operations.
Publications: Publishing official reports, legal documents, and informational booklets for citizens.
Digital publishing solutions: Exploring and implementing digital platforms for publishing government information and resources.
Top Authorities for Belgium Printing and Publishing Procurement
Federal Public Service Policy and Support (FPS P&S): Oversees government procurement policies and procedures.
Central Public Procurement Service (CPPS): Central agency responsible for managing government procurement processes.
Sector-specific ministries: Ministries like the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Finance may have specific procurement needs related to printing and publishing.
Top Winners of Belgium Printing and Publishing Procurement
Roularta Media Group: Leading Belgian printing and publishing company, frequently securing government contracts.
De Persgroep: Major competitor offering printing and publishing services, often winning government projects.
Mediahuis: Established printing and publishing company with a strong presence in Belgium, winning government contracts for specific services.
Smaller printing companies: Local printing companies sometimes win government contracts for specific projects.
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