Latest Belgium Real Estate tenders. Discover new opportunities for Real Estate tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Belgium.
The Belgian real estate market is a thriving and dynamic sector, with a total value estimated at US$2.51 trillion in 2023. The market is driven by factors such as a growing population, urbanization, and a strong economy. House prices have been on an upward trend in recent years, with the median price of an attached or semi-detached house reaching €175,000 in the first semester of 2023.
The Belgian government is a major purchaser of real estate, with an annual procurement budget of over €1 billion. The government procures a wide range of real estate products and services, including office space, residential property, and land. The procurement process is governed by the Belgian Public Procurement Act, which sets out the principles of transparency, non-discrimination, and equal treatment.
The main real estate products and services procured by the Belgian government include:
Office space for government ministries and agencies
Residential property for government employees
Land for infrastructure projects
Construction services for new buildings and renovations
The top authorities for Belgium real estate procurement are:
The Federal Public Service for Finance (FPS Finance)
The Brussels-Capital Region Public Service for Buildings and Housing (BPH)
The Flemish Administration for Buildings and Housing (VEB)
The Walloon Housing Agency (SWL)
The top winners of Belgium real estate procurement contracts include:
AG Real Estate
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