Boost Primary Student Learning in Tanzania
Total Cost: Us$ 200.00 million
The Governments current Education Sector Development Plan sets out priority areas for the education sector over the 2016/17-2020/21 period, covering all activities, from pre-primary to higher education, including TVET.
The BOOST Program will finance three out of the six priority programs:
(i)Ensuring access, participation and equity-achieving universal participation in pre-primary education, completion of basic education, improved equity in access and providing learning opportunities for vulnerable groups are the core focus areas;
(ii)Improving quality education and learning-this includes a focus on developing teacher competencies and skills, strengthening learning assessments, expanding and improving use of ICT in teaching and learning, and bettering alignment of school leadership and management for improved performance and accountability vis–vis student outcomes; and
(iii)Strengthening system structure, governance and management-this includes strengthening the institutional arrangements, harmonizing regulations and guidelines and promoting better system-wide coordination, collaboration and accountability.
It also includes improving financing equity and sustainability. Description of Program Results Areas:
Improving School Learning Environment BOOST will provide results-based financing to incentivize the relevant government agencies to either facilitate through policies and financing or directly providing for schools meeting minimum requirements to function, including
i) classrooms and associated facilities,
ii) curriculum aligned and developmentally appropriate teaching and learning materials, and
iii) implementation of a Safe School Program adapted for pre-primary and primary education.
Interventions will be targeted to specific LGAs for this component. Final criteria will be determined in the next phase.
(i) Classroom and associated facilities will help reduce the classroom congestion and improve the health and safety of children especially in the wake of COVID-19. Construction will target the disadvantaged LGAs and schools that have below average service delivery indicators in pupil classroom ratio and pupil latrine ratios especially at pre-primary level.
Construction of classrooms will follow the School Construction Strategy developed in the current EPforR and further incorporate school health and safety standards developed by the Ministry of Health for strengthening responses towards pandemic including COVID-19.
(ii) Curriculum-aligned and age-appropriate teaching and learning materials will be developed and provided including replenishment of textbooks, science kits, learning packages for pre-primary classes that include picture books, manipulatives and other learning aids that are development.