30 Live Notices for Caribbean Plumbing Sanitary Tenders
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Central Scranton Park – Construction Of Youth Centre (Building I)
Supply and install a new Accounting system to replace MS Dynamics SL
Roof membrane repairs
Restore and repaint all the doors at the ground floor of the Public Dining, Drawing Room and Ball Room
Engage a Consultant for the design and preparation of tender documents for the change out of 6 Natural gas Chillers
Provision of Signage
Provision of Building maintenance and repair services
Provision of Heating and cooling and air conditioning HVAC construction and maintenance services
Provision of Heating and cooling and air conditioning HVAC construction and maintenance services
Provision of Facility maintenance and repair services
Fountain repairs at the Inland Revenue Division Building at Government Campus Plaza
Pest Control maintenance services at Whitehall, 29 Maraval Road, Port of Spain
Plumbing Maintenance Services at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy
Provision of Plumbing Maintenance Services at the Prime Minister's Residence - Tobago
Provision of Plumbing Maintenance Services at the Southern Academy for the Performing Arts
Supply and installation of Six (6) Air Cool Chillers at International Waterfront Centre
Replacement of 30T Centralized AC unit and maintenance at the San Fernando Coffee St Building
Air Conditioning Upgrade by Replacing Fan Coil Units with Split AC units in the Main Building.
Heating and cooling and air conditioning HVAC construction and maintenance services
Heating and cooling and air conditioning HVAC construction and maintenance services