Latest China Banking and Finance tenders. Discover new opportunities for Banking and Finance tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across China.
China's banking and finance market is the second largest in the world, with total assets of over RMB 379 trillion (US$57 trillion) as of the end of 2022. The market is dominated by state-owned banks, but there is a growing private sector. The Chinese government is actively promoting financial reform and opening up the market to foreign competition.
The Chinese government is a major buyer of banking and finance products and services. In 2022, the government procured over RMB 1.2 trillion (US$177 billion) of banking and finance products and services. The government is committed to using procurement to support the development of the domestic banking and finance industry.
The main banking and finance products and services procured by the Chinese government include loans, deposits, investment banking services, and insurance services. The government also procures a wide range of other financial services, such as asset management, auditing, and consulting services.
The top authorities for China banking and finance procurement are the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Central Bank of China. These authorities are responsible for setting procurement policies and procedures, and for overseeing the procurement process.
The top winners of China banking and finance procurement are the large state-owned banks, such as the Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the China Construction Bank. These banks have a strong track record of providing high-quality financial services to the Chinese government.
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