Latest China Railways tenders. Discover new opportunities for Railways tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across China.
China's railways market is the largest in the world, with a network spanning over 141,000 kilo meters. The railways play a vital role in the country's economy, transporting over 3 billion passengers and 1.4 billion tons of freight annually. In recent years, China has invested heavily in expanding and upgrading its railways infrastructure, including building new high-speed rail lines.
The Chinese government actively supports the railways industry through various procurement measures, including:
Direct investment in railway infrastructure projects
Subsidies for the construction and operation of high-speed rail lines
Preferential loans for railway companies
Tax breaks for railway equipment manufacturers
The Chinese government procures a diverse range of railways products and services, including:
Locomotives and rolling stock
Signaling and communication systems
Railway tracks and bridges
Electrification systems
Station facilities
The top authorities overseeing railways procurement in China are:
The Ministry of Transport (MOT): The MOT is responsible for developing and implementing national transportation policies, including railways.
The National Railway Administration (NRA): The NRA is responsible for managing and maintaining the national rail infrastructure.
The China Railway Corporation (CRC): The CRC is the national railway company, operating both passenger and freight rail services.
Major companies that have secured significant railways procurement contracts in China include:
China Railway Group Limited (CRGL): CRGL is the largest railway company in the world, operating over 130,000 kilometers of track.
China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CRCC): CRCC is the largest railway construction company in the world, with a presence in over 100 countries.
China Railway Signal & Telecommunication Co., Ltd. (CRST): CRST is a leading supplier of signaling and communication systems to the Chinese rail industry.
CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd. (CSR ZELCO): CSR ZELCO is a leading supplier of locomotives and rolling stock to the Chinese rail industry.
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