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Misión: Articular Procesos Intersectoriales E Intrasectoriales Que Garanticen Intervenciones Integrales Que Contribuyan Al Cierre De Brechas Rural-Urbano Y La Transformación De Los Territorios Priorizados, A Través De La Estructuración Y Ejecución De Proyectos, La Puesta En Marcha De Alternativas De Desarrollo Y El Fortalecimiento De Capacidades Institucionales Y Comunitarias De Manera Sostenible En El Marco De La Implementación De Los Pdet Y De La Sustitución Voluntaria De Cultivos Ilícitos. Visión (Mega): En 2035 Se Habrán Estabilizado Los Territorios Intervenidos, A Través De La Implementación De Los Pdet Y De Los Modelos De Sustitución Voluntaria De Cultivos Ilícitos, Por Lo Que Contarán Con Capacidades De Autogestión, Integrándose Al Desarrollo Del País Con Equidad Y Legalidad.
Estimated Cost:
COP 121959148679
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
21 Jun 2025
Posting Date:
22 Jun 2024
Mission: Articulate Intersectoral And Intrasectoral Processes That Guarantee Comprehensive Interventions That Contribute To The Closing Of Rural-Urban Gaps And The Transformation Of Prioritized Territories, Through The Structuring And Execution Of Projects, The Implementation Of Development Alternatives And The Strengthening Of Institutional And Community Capacities In A Sustainable Manner Within The Framework Of The Implementation Of The Pdet And The Voluntary Substitution Of Illicit Crops. Vision (Mega): In 2035, The Intervened Territories Will Have Been Stabilized, Through The Implementation Of The Pdet And Voluntary Substitution Models For Illicit Crops, So They Will Have Self-Management Capabilities, Integrating Into The Development Of The Country With Equity And Legality.
Estimated Cost:
COP 121959148679
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
21 Jun 2025
Posting Date:
22 Jun 2024
Appeon Licenses
Notice Type:
Tender Notice
23 Dec 2024
Posting Date:
21 Jun 2024
Acquisition Of Notes Platform 2024-002
Notice Type:
Tender Notice
31 Dec 2024
Posting Date:
21 Jun 2024
Mission: Articulate Intersectoral And Intrasectoral Processes That Guarantee Comprehensive Interventions That Contribute To The Closing Of Rural-Urban Gaps And The Transformation Of Prioritized Territories, Through The Structuring And Execution Of Projects, The Implementation Of Development Alternatives And The Strengthening Of Institutional And Community Capacities In A Sustainable Manner Within The Framework Of The Implementation Of The Pdet And The Voluntary Substitution Of Illicit Crops. Vision (Mega): In 2035, The Intervened Territories Will Have Been Stabilized, Through The Implementation Of The Pdet And Voluntary Substitution Models For Illicit Crops, So They Will Have Self-Management Capabilities, Integrating Into The Development Of The Country With Equity And Legality.
Estimated Cost:
COP 120244138477
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
27 May 2025
Posting Date:
28 May 2024
Mission: Valparaíso As A Territorial Entity Has The Mission Of Generating Conditions That Allow Achieving Higher Levels Of Development For Its Inhabitants, In This Sense, The Municipal Administration Must Provide Equal Opportunities So That The Different Communities Can Access Resources For The Co-Financing Of Plans, Programs And Projects Aimed At Solving Their Main Problems And Satisfying Their Immediate Needs. Likewise, By Constitutional Mandate, The Municipality Must Direct Social And Economic Development, Articulating With The Plans And Programs Designed By The State, In Addition, It Must Coordinate With Regional, National And International Institutions, Policies To Carry Out Effective And Efficient Management. . Vision: In 2024, The Municipality Of Valparaíso Will Be A Territory Where Peace And Peaceful Coexistence Predominate Among Its Residents. It Will Also Become An Opportunity For Its Inhabitants To Improve Their Living Conditions, Basing Its Development On Economic Activities. Legal, Sustainable And Environmentally Viable, So That In The Medium Term It Becomes An Important Source Of Food Production To Provide Food Security To The Department Of Caquetá
Estimated Cost:
COP 7314266362
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
24 May 2025
Posting Date:
25 May 2024
Mission: Valparaíso As A Territorial Entity Has The Mission Of Generating Conditions That Allow Achieving Higher Levels Of Development For Its Inhabitants, In This Sense, The Municipal Administration Must Provide Equal Opportunities So That The Different Communities Can Access Resources For The Co-Financing Of Plans, Programs And Projects Aimed At Solving Their Main Problems And Satisfying Their Immediate Needs. Likewise, By Constitutional Mandate, The Municipality Must Direct Social And Economic Development, Articulating With The Plans And Programs Designed By The State, In Addition, It Must Coordinate With Regional, National And International Institutions, Policies To Carry Out Effective And Efficient Management. . Vision: In 2024, The Municipality Of Valparaíso Will Be A Territory Where Peace And Peaceful Coexistence Predominate Among Its Residents. It Will Also Become An Opportunity For Its Inhabitants To Improve Their Living Conditions, Basing Its Development On Economic Activities. Legal, Sustainable And Environmentally Viable, So That In The Medium Term It Becomes An Important Source Of Food Production To Provide Food Security To The Department Of Caquetá
Estimated Cost:
COP 7284266362
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
20 May 2025
Posting Date:
21 May 2024
Mission: Valparaíso As A Territorial Entity Has The Mission Of Generating Conditions That Allow Achieving Higher Levels Of Development For Its Inhabitants, In This Sense, The Municipal Administration Must Provide Equal Opportunities So That The Different Communities Can Access Resources For The Co-Financing Of Plans, Programs And Projects Aimed At Solving Their Main Problems And Satisfying Their Immediate Needs. Likewise, By Constitutional Mandate, The Municipality Must Direct Social And Economic Development, Articulating With The Plans And Programs Designed By The State, In Addition, It Must Coordinate With Regional, National And International Institutions, Policies To Carry Out Effective And Efficient Management. . Vision: In 2024, The Municipality Of Valparaíso Will Be A Territory Where Peace And Peaceful Coexistence Predominate Among Its Residents. It Will Also Become An Opportunity For Its Inhabitants To Improve Their Living Conditions, Basing Its Development On Economic Activities. Legal, Sustainable And Environmentally Viable, So That In The Medium Term It Becomes An Important Source Of Food Production To Provide Food Security To The Department Of Caquetá
Estimated Cost:
COP 6912266362
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
16 May 2025
Posting Date:
17 May 2024
Mission: Articulate Intersectoral And Intrasectoral Processes That Guarantee Comprehensive Interventions That Contribute To The Closing Of Rural-Urban Gaps And The Transformation Of Prioritized Territories, Through The Structuring And Execution Of Projects, The Implementation Of Development Alternatives And The Strengthening Of Institutional And Community Capacities In A Sustainable Manner Within The Framework Of The Implementation Of The Pdet And The Voluntary Substitution Of Illicit Crops. Vision (Mega): In 2035, The Intervened Territories Will Have Been Stabilized, Through The Implementation Of The Pdet And Voluntary Substitution Models For Illicit Crops, So They Will Have Self-Management Capabilities, Integrating Into The Development Of The Country With Equity And Legality.
Estimated Cost:
COP 118147441254
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
14 May 2025
Posting Date:
15 May 2024
Mission: Valparaíso As A Territorial Entity Has The Mission Of Generating Conditions That Allow Achieving Higher Levels Of Development For Its Inhabitants, In This Sense, The Municipal Administration Must Provide Equal Opportunities So That The Different Communities Can Access Resources For The Co-Financing Of Plans, Programs And Projects Aimed At Solving Their Main Problems And Satisfying Their Immediate Needs. Likewise, By Constitutional Mandate, The Municipality Must Direct Social And Economic Development, Articulating With The Plans And Programs Designed By The State, In Addition, It Must Coordinate With Regional, National And International Institutions, Policies To Carry Out Effective And Efficient Management. . Vision: In 2024, The Municipality Of Valparaíso Will Be A Territory Where Peace And Peaceful Coexistence Predominate Among Its Residents. It Will Also Become An Opportunity For Its Inhabitants To Improve Their Living Conditions, Basing Its Development On Economic Activities. Legal, Sustainable And Environmentally Viable, So That In The Medium Term It Becomes An Important Source Of Food Production To Provide Food Security To The Department Of Caquetá
Estimated Cost:
COP 6904466362
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
10 May 2025
Posting Date:
11 May 2024