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Misión: Articular Procesos Intersectoriales E Intrasectoriales Que Garanticen Intervenciones Integrales Que Contribuyan Al Cierre De Brechas Rural-Urbano Y La Transformación De Los Territorios Priorizados, A Través De La Estructuración Y Ejecución De Proyectos, La Puesta En Marcha De Alternativas De Desarrollo Y El Fortalecimiento De Capacidades Institucionales Y Comunitarias De Manera Sostenible En El Marco De La Implementación De Los Pdet Y De La Sustitución Voluntaria De Cultivos Ilícitos. Visión (Mega): En 2035 Se Habrán Estabilizado Los Territorios Intervenidos, A Través De La Implementación De Los Pdet Y De Los Modelos De Sustitución Voluntaria De Cultivos Ilícitos, Por Lo Que Contarán Con Capacidades De Autogestión, Integrándose Al Desarrollo Del País Con Equidad Y Legalidad.
Estimated Cost:
COP 129400199708
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
02 Jul 2025
Posting Date:
03 Jul 2024
Misión: Articular Procesos Intersectoriales E Intrasectoriales Que Garanticen Intervenciones Integrales Que Contribuyan Al Cierre De Brechas Rural-Urbano Y La Transformación De Los Territorios Priorizados, A Través De La Estructuración Y Ejecución De Proyectos, La Puesta En Marcha De Alternativas De Desarrollo Y El Fortalecimiento De Capacidades Institucionales Y Comunitarias De Manera Sostenible En El Marco De La Implementación De Los Pdet Y De La Sustitución Voluntaria De Cultivos Ilícitos. Visión (Mega): En 2035 Se Habrán Estabilizado Los Territorios Intervenidos, A Través De La Implementación De Los Pdet Y De Los Modelos De Sustitución Voluntaria De Cultivos Ilícitos, Por Lo Que Contarán Con Capacidades De Autogestión, Integrándose Al Desarrollo Del País Con Equidad Y Legalidad.
Estimated Cost:
COP 121959148679
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
21 Jun 2025
Posting Date:
22 Jun 2024
Mission: Articulate Intersectoral And Intrasectoral Processes That Guarantee Comprehensive Interventions That Contribute To The Closing Of Rural-Urban Gaps And The Transformation Of Prioritized Territories, Through The Structuring And Execution Of Projects, The Implementation Of Development Alternatives And The Strengthening Of Institutional And Community Capacities In A Sustainable Manner Within The Framework Of The Implementation Of The Pdet And The Voluntary Substitution Of Illicit Crops. Vision (Mega): In 2035, The Intervened Territories Will Have Been Stabilized, Through The Implementation Of The Pdet And Voluntary Substitution Models For Illicit Crops, So They Will Have Self-Management Capabilities, Integrating Into The Development Of The Country With Equity And Legality.
Estimated Cost:
COP 121959148679
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
21 Jun 2025
Posting Date:
22 Jun 2024
Mission The Carlos Enrique Cortes Herrera Educational Institution Develops A Comprehensive Formation Of The Being In Boys, Girls And Young People From Preschool To Eleventh Grade, With An Academic Nature, Projected Towards Higher Education Or The Work Field, With A Social And Inclusive Approach, Based On The Principles Of Tolerance And Teamwork, To Respond To The Economic, Political, Cultural And Social Needs Of The Municipality, The Region And The Nation. Gregorio Antonio Mena Orejuela. Vision By 2024, The Carlos Enrique Cortés Herrera Educational Institution Will Be Recognized For Its Innovative Learning Environments For The Formation Of Integral Human Beings, Through Pedagogical And Research Practices That Develop The Skills Of The 20Th Century.
Estimated Cost:
COP 78645715
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
20 Jun 2025
Posting Date:
21 Jun 2024
Mission: Articulate Intersectoral And Intrasectoral Processes That Guarantee Comprehensive Interventions That Contribute To The Closing Of Rural-Urban Gaps And The Transformation Of Prioritized Territories, Through The Structuring And Execution Of Projects, The Implementation Of Development Alternatives And The Strengthening Of Institutional And Community Capacities In A Sustainable Manner Within The Framework Of The Implementation Of The Pdet And The Voluntary Substitution Of Illicit Crops. Vision (Mega): In 2035, The Intervened Territories Will Have Been Stabilized, Through The Implementation Of The Pdet And Voluntary Substitution Models For Illicit Crops, So They Will Have Self-Management Capabilities, Integrating Into The Development Of The Country With Equity And Legality.
Estimated Cost:
COP 120244138477
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
27 May 2025
Posting Date:
28 May 2024
Mission: Articulate Intersectoral And Intrasectoral Processes That Guarantee Comprehensive Interventions That Contribute To The Closing Of Rural-Urban Gaps And The Transformation Of Prioritized Territories, Through The Structuring And Execution Of Projects, The Implementation Of Development Alternatives And The Strengthening Of Institutional And Community Capacities In A Sustainable Manner Within The Framework Of The Implementation Of The Pdet And The Voluntary Substitution Of Illicit Crops. Vision (Mega): In 2035, The Intervened Territories Will Have Been Stabilized, Through The Implementation Of The Pdet And Voluntary Substitution Models For Illicit Crops, So They Will Have Self-Management Capabilities, Integrating Into The Development Of The Country With Equity And Legality.
Estimated Cost:
COP 120172500505
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
21 May 2025
Posting Date:
22 May 2024
Mission: Articulate Intersectoral And Intrasectoral Processes That Guarantee Comprehensive Interventions That Contribute To The Closing Of Rural-Urban Gaps And The Transformation Of Prioritized Territories, Through The Structuring And Execution Of Projects, The Implementation Of Development Alternatives And The Strengthening Of Institutional And Community Capacities In A Sustainable Manner Within The Framework Of The Implementation Of The Pdet And The Voluntary Substitution Of Illicit Crops. Vision (Mega): In 2035, The Intervened Territories Will Have Been Stabilized, Through The Implementation Of The Pdet And Voluntary Substitution Models For Illicit Crops, So They Will Have Self-Management Capabilities, Integrating Into The Development Of The Country With Equity And Legality.
Estimated Cost:
COP 120254677248
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
16 May 2025
Posting Date:
17 May 2024
Mission: Articulate Intersectoral And Intrasectoral Processes That Guarantee Comprehensive Interventions That Contribute To The Closing Of Rural-Urban Gaps And The Transformation Of Prioritized Territories, Through The Structuring And Execution Of Projects, The Implementation Of Development Alternatives And The Strengthening Of Institutional And Community Capacities In A Sustainable Manner Within The Framework Of The Implementation Of The Pdet And The Voluntary Substitution Of Illicit Crops. Vision (Mega): In 2035, The Intervened Territories Will Have Been Stabilized, Through The Implementation Of The Pdet And Voluntary Substitution Models For Illicit Crops, So They Will Have Self-Management Capabilities, Integrating Into The Development Of The Country With Equity And Legality.
Estimated Cost:
COP 118147441254
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
14 May 2025
Posting Date:
15 May 2024
Mission The Carlos Enrique Cortes Herrera Educational Institution Develops A Comprehensive Formation Of The Being In Boys, Girls And Young People From Preschool To Eleventh Grade, With An Academic Nature, Projected Towards Higher Education Or The Work Field, With A Social And Inclusive Approach, Based On The Principles Of Tolerance And Teamwork, To Respond To The Economic, Political, Cultural And Social Needs Of The Municipality, The Region And The Nation. Gregorio Antonio Mena Orejuela. Vision By 2024, The Carlos Enrique Cortés Herrera Educational Institution Will Be Recognized For Its Innovative Learning Environments For The Formation Of Integral Human Beings, Through Pedagogical And Research Practices That Develop The Skills Of The 20Th Century.
Estimated Cost:
COP 51003717
Notice Type:
Procurement Plan
24 Apr 2025
Posting Date:
25 Apr 2024
By Means Of Which Payment Is Authorized And Ordered For The Acquisition Of National And International Air Tickets For The Mobility Of One (1) Administrative Employee Of The International University Of Tró
Notice Type:
Tender Notice
06 Aug 2024
Posting Date:
23 Jul 2024