Latest Czechia Education and Training tenders. Discover new opportunities for Education and Training tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Czechia.
The Czech Republic education and training market is a dynamic and growing sector, with an estimated value of €3.5 billion in 2022. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the government's focus on lifelong learning, the increasing demand for skilled labor, and the rising popularity of online education.
The Czech government is a significant purchaser of education and training products and services, spending an estimated €1.5 billion in 2022. This represents a significant opportunity for education and training providers to do business with the Czech government.
The Czech government procures a wide range of education and training products and services, including:
Early childhood education and care
Primary and secondary education
Higher education
Vocational education and training
Adult education
Professional training
The top authorities for Czech Republic education and training procurement are:
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Ministry of Agriculture
The top winners of Czech Republic education and training procurement are:
Univerzita Karlova (Charles University)
České vysoké učení technické v Praze (Czech Technical University in Prague)
Masarykova univerzita (Masaryk University)
Škoda Auto University
Mendelova univerzita v Brně (Mendel University in Brno)
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Czech Republic education and training tenders, government education training tenders Czech Republic, global education training tenders, Czech Republic education training bids, Czech Republic elearning tenders, education training public tenders, Czech Republic education training consultant tenders