Latest Denmark Fire Safety tenders. Discover new opportunities for Fire Safety tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Denmark.
The Denmark fire safety and security market is expected to reach a value of USD 1.2 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 4.5%. The market is driven by a number of factors, including the increasing urbanization, the growing threat of cybercrime, and the rising awareness of fire safety.
The Danish government is a major buyer of fire safety and security products and services. In 2022, the government spent an estimated USD 100 million on fire safety and security procurement. The government is committed to ensuring the safety and security of its citizens, and it is therefore likely to continue to be a major buyer of fire safety and security products and services in the years to come.
The main fire safety and security products and services procured by the Danish government include:
Fire alarm systems
Firefighting equipment
Access control systems
Video surveillance systems
Security guards
The top authorities for Denmark fire safety and security procurement are:
The Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA)
The Danish National Police
The Danish Defence Materiel Agency
The top winners of Denmark fire safety and security procurement are:
G4S Securitas A/S
ADT Danmark A/S
Securitas Danmark A/S
Falck A/S
Siemens A/S
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