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Global Denmark Insurance Tenders

Denmark Insurance Tenders

Latest Denmark Insurance tenders. Discover new opportunities for Insurance tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Denmark.

How big is the Insurance market in Denmark?

The Danish insurance market is a well-developed and mature sector, with a high level of penetration and a strong tradition of risk management. The market is characterized by a high degree of competition, with both domestic and international players active. The total premium income of the Danish insurance industry in 2021 was DKK 183.6 billion (EUR 24.4 billion).

Denmark government Insurance Procurement

The Danish government is a major purchaser of insurance products and services. In 2021, the government spent DKK 11.3 billion (EUR 1.5 billion) on insurance procurement. The government procures a wide range of insurance products and services, including property and casualty insurance, life insurance, and health insurance.

What Insurance does the Denmark government buy?

The main insurance products and services procured by the Danish government are:
Property and casualty insurance
Life insurance
Health insurance
Motor insurance
Professional liability insurance

Major Insurance buyers in Denmark government

The top authorities for Denmark insurance procurement are:
The Danish Agency for Public Management (Forvaltningsstyrelsen)
The Danish Customs and Tax Administration (Told- og Skattestyrelsen)
The Danish Health and Medicines Authority (Lægemiddelstyrelsen)
The Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority (Trafik-, Bygge- og Boligstyrelsen)

Who wins the most Insurance contracts from the Denmark government?

The top winners of Denmark insurance procurement in 2021 were:
Tryg (DKK 2.3 billion)
Codan (DKK 1.9 billion)
Gjensidige (DKK 1.8 billion)
Axa (DKK 1.4 billion)
Alka (DKK 1.2 billion)

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Denmark insurance tenders, free Denmark insurance tenders, accidental insurance, Denmark medical insurance, banking insurance, government insurance tenders Denmark, risk insurance, Denmark insurance services tenders, Denmark insurance consultancy tenders, building insurance tenders

1 Live Notices for Denmark Insurance Tenders

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Tendering Of Framework Agreement On Insurance Services
country Denmark
posting date07 Mar 2025
deadline20 Mar 2025