Latest Denmark Metals tenders. Discover new opportunities for Metals tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Denmark.
Denmark boasts a thriving metals and non-metals market, valued at USD 1.575 billion in 2023. The battery market dominates, with lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries leading the charge.
Steel production plays a significant role, with leading companies like NORDIC STEEL and BEFESA SCANDUST AKTIEBOLAG. Additionally, the galvanizing industry flourishes, with EJENDOMME - VILDBJERG A/S and HELSETH AS at the forefront.
Denmark Metals and Non-Metals Government Procurement
The Danish government actively procures metals and non-metals for various infrastructure and development projects. In 2021, the average non-metal permanent magnet export price stood at USD 40,144 per ton, highlighting the sector's significance.
Main Metals and Non-Metals Products and Services Procured by Denmark Government
The government primarily procures metals like steel, alloy, and castings, along with non-metals such as hydrogen, rare gases, and other non-metals. Additionally, services related to galvanizing, wedge, and home are highly sought-after.
Top Authorities for Denmark Metals and Non-Metals Procurement
Several government agencies oversee metals and non-metals procurement in Denmark. Key authorities include the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, the Danish Energy Agency, and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Top Winners of Denmark Metals and Non-Metals Procurement
Leading companies consistently secure government contracts for metals and non-metals. NORDIC STEEL, BEFESA SCANDUST AKTIEBOLAG, EJENDOMME - VILDBJERG A/S, HELSETH AS, and COMBI WEAR PARTS AKTIEBOLAG are among the top winners.
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