21 Live Notices for East Africa Agricultural Supplies Tenders
Showing 1 to 21
Supply of Agricultural Tools and Equipment
Supply of Agricultural Tools and Equipment
Supply of Agricultural Equipment and Inputs (Seeds, Tools, and Fertilizers).
Supply of agricultural inputs for vegetable production
Supply of agricultural inputs for maize and bean intercropping
Supply And Installation Of 30 Solar Powered Vessel Monitoring Gadgets Including Training
Agricultural Inputs
Supply and Delivery of agriculture tools and agriculture services (consultations, greenhouse installations)
Acquisition - Agriculture And Livestock Machinery And Equipment
Procurement of Four Vehicles for RLRP-NPCU and SPCU
Conduct 5 district level agribusiness B2B events to provide linkages between producers, aggregators, and processors.
Distribution of 1,000 shots to IDPs and poor HHs, along with capacity building on managing the crops and animals.
Promote sack gardening for Leafy vegetables – such as spinach and lettuce because of the short cycle and nutrient density.
Establish 3 Veterinary Mobile Clinics with the aim of improving animal healthcare services, ensuring that livestock receive timely and accessible medical assistance
Distribute high-quality and locally certified seeds of the introduced varieties (2.1.1) to agro-pastoral communities to 14,000 Ha owned by smallholder farmers
Introduce two new, improved shoat breads that are drought and stress tolerant
Establish four demonstration plots, promotion events, short and longer practical field training
Finance the migration to pressurized irrigation (drip or sprinkler)
Provision of Upgrading of National Roads in Uganda - 7 Components
Upgrading of National Roads in Uganda - 7 Components