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Business images of Algeria

Economy of Algeria

Algeria's economy continued to recover in the first half of 2022, led by a return of oil production to pre-pandemic levels and a continued recovery of the service sector along with a more vigorous agricultural activity. The recovery should continue into 2023, supported by the nonhydrocarbon sector and public expenditure growth, according to the latest edition of the World Bank's Algeria Economic Update.<br>External balances recovered and continued to grow on the back of higher global hydrocarbon prices. After growing by an estimated 59% over the first six months of 2022 and peaking in June, the average price of Algerian hydrocarbon exports lost around 26% in Q3-2022. External balances were also buoyed by a notable rise in non-hydrocarbon exports. Algeria’s terms of trade also improved as the dinar appreciated relative to the U.S. dollar and the Euro.

Top Sectors in Algeria

Agriculture in Algeria

Algeria's agricultural sector, which contributes about 8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) but employs 14 percent of the workforce, is unable to meet the food needs of the country's population. As a result, some 45 percent of food is imported. The primary crops are wheat, barley, and potatoes. Farmers also have had success growing dates for export. Cultivation is concentrated in the fertile coastal plain of the Tell region, which represents just a slice of Algeria's total territory.

Fishing in Algeria

Fishing is a flourishing but minor industry. Fish caught are principally sardines, bonito, mackerel, smelt and sprats. Fresh fish are exported to France, dried and preserved fish to Spain and Italy. Coral fisheries are found along the coast from Bona to Tunis. The annual catch averages around 142,000 tons, 54% sardines.

Mining in Algeria

Algeria is rich in minerals; the country has many iron, lead, zinc, copper, calamine, antimony and mercury mines. The most productive are those of iron and zinc. Lignite is found in Algiers; immense phosphate beds were discovered near Tébessa in 1891, yielding 313,500 tons in 1905. Phosphate beds are also worked near Sétif, Guelma and Aïn Beïda. There are more than 300 quarries which produce, amongst other stones, onyx and white and red marbles. Algerian onyx from Ain Tekbalet was used by the Romans, and many ancient quarries have been found near Sidi Ben Yebka, some being certainly those from which the long-lost Numidian marbles were taken. Salt is collected on the margins of the chotts.

Banking in Algeria

Algeria's banking sector, largely controlled by public banks, faces challenges with high levels of non-performing loans, particularly to state-owned enterprises. Despite efforts to implement IMF-recommended reforms, such as enhancing supervision and modernizing the payment system, progress has been modest. Specific achievements include the establishment of the Algerian Real Time Settlements system in 2006. However, proposed privatization plans, like that of Crédit Populaire d’Algérie, have faced delays due to market instability. Recently, HSBC and Deutsche Bank announced plans to enter Algeria's banking market.

Tourism in Algeria

Algeria's tourism industry, which contributes only about 1 percent of GDP, lags behind that of its neighbors Morocco and Tunisia. Algeria receives only about 200,000 tourists and visitors annually. Ethnic Algerian French citizens represent the largest group of tourists, followed by Tunisians. The modest level of tourism is attributable to a combination of poor hotel accommodations and the threat of terrorism. However, the government has adopted a plan known as “Horizon 2025,” which is designed to address these shortcomings.

Algeria - Key Economic Indicators

Exports and Imports

Algeria's economy relies heavily on exports, with hydrocarbons (natural gas, crude oil) making up nearly 90% of its export value. They import a variety of goods, including wheat, food products, machinery, and iron ore.

Infrastructure Development

Algeria has invested in developing its road network, but there's still room for improvement. Total road length surpasses 100,000 kilometers, though upgrades and maintenance are ongoing. Other infrastructure projects include expanding ports and improving the national railway system.

Fiscal Policy

The Algerian government aims to diversify its income beyond oil and gas. They are working on increasing tax collection and reducing reliance on hydrocarbon revenue.

Monetary Policy

The Central Bank of Algeria manages inflation and interest rates. They may adjust these to control economic activity and currency stability.

Trade Agreements

Algeria participates in several trade agreements, including the Greater Arab Free Trade Area, which helps facilitate trade with other Arab nations.

Environmental Regulations

Algeria faces environmental challenges like desertification. The government has introduced regulations to address these issues, but stricter enforcement may be needed.

Tax system

Corporate Income Tax (CIT): Algeria utilizes a two-tiered corporate income tax system. The standard CIT rate stands at 26% for most business activities. However, specific sectors like construction, public works, tourism, and thermal activities (excluding travel agencies) benefit from a reduced rate of 23%.
Personal Income Tax: Personal income in Algeria is subject to a progressive tax structure. This means the tax rate increases as taxable income rises. The tax rate starts at 0% and goes up to a maximum of 35%. There's also a minimum threshold below which income isn't taxed (around 120,000 DZD or US$1053).
Sales Tax (VAT): The Value Added Tax (VAT) serves as the primary sales tax in Algeria. The standard VAT rate sits at 19%. This tax applies to the value added at each stage of the production and distribution chain.
Property Tax: Information on a separate property tax for individuals is limited. However, a single fixed tax system exists for businesses with a turnover below 30,000,000 DZD (approx. US$263,400). This tax combines elements of income tax, VAT, and professional activity tax, simplifying tax collection for smaller businesses.
Capital Gains Tax: Unlike some countries, Algeria doesn't have a separate capital gains tax. Profits generated from investments are likely taxed under the regular income tax regime.
Payroll Tax: Algeria's progressive income tax system essentially functions as a payroll tax for individuals. The tax rate on salaries and wages increases with higher income levels.
Tax Deductions and Credits: While specific details on current deductions and credits are limited, the system does offer a preferential rate for corporate profits that are reinvested (5%) compared to distributed profits (42%). This incentivizes companies to reinvest profits back into the business.
Tax Compliance: The Algerian tax administration is actively working on reforms to improve tax collection efficiency. The introduction of the single fixed tax system for small businesses also aims to simplify tax compliance in that sector.
Tax Burden: Overall, Algeria appears to have a moderate tax burden. While the top income tax tier reaches 35%, a minimum threshold exists, and the single fixed tax system eases the burden for smaller businesses.

117 Live Notices for Algeria ....

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Rfp/Dza/001/Cps/2024-Entreprise Nationale Ou Bureau De Conseil -Systèmes D'Info
country Algeria
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
“Acquisition of ELISA chain readers for the benefit of the Pasteur Institute of Algeria”
country Algeria
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
“Acquisition of an immunohistochemistry machine for the Pasteur Institute of Algeria”
country Algeria
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
acquisition of a dehydration machine for the benefit of the Pasteur Institute of Algeria
country Algeria
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
Study and monitoring of the development of the therapeutic serum laboratory of the Pasteur Institute of Algeria at the Kouba Annex
country Algeria
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
Acquisition, installation and configuration of the WAF (Web Application Firewall) solution
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline16 Jul 2024
Training in management and communication.
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline16 Jul 2024
Diagnosis of the structure and carrying out of the strengthening study of the R+1 building of the Gouraya meteorological station.
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
Equipment for the new engineering hall of the construction of Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou (Non-destructive testing equipment, X-ray Diffraction Equipment, Equipment for physicochemical and microstructural characterization of materials, Equipment for the production of metallic and ceramic materials, Equipment for electrochemistry studies, Equipment for thermal, air conditioning, turbomachines and renewable energies in mechanics, Mechanical manufacturing workshop equipment, Material Resistance Equipment, Equipment for digital controls and Equipment for vibration testing)
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
Response to security incidents
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline21 Jul 2024
Acquisition of security solutions
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline22 Jul 2024
Acquisition of CNAC service vehicle - Sidi Bel Abbes
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline19 Jul 2024
Acquisition of CNAC service vehicle - Adrar
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline16 Jul 2024
Control and monitoring of works for the technical and VRD zone including adaptation study /Ghar Djebilet.
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline28 Jul 2024
Control and monitoring of the works for the construction of a Y/C officers' complex conference room for the benefit of the research and development institute in Reghaia.
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline28 Jul 2024
Control and monitoring of works for the construction of the technical zone and VRD including adaptation study /In Azoua.
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline28 Jul 2024
Control and monitoring of works for the technical and VRD zone including adaptation study /El Borna.
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline28 Jul 2024
Control and monitoring of works for the technical and VRD zone including adaptation study /Ghar Djebilet.
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline28 Jul 2024
Control and monitoring of works for the technical and VRD zone including adaptation study /Laghouat.
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline28 Jul 2024
Acquisition of spare parts for biomedical equipment.
country Algeria
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline28 Jul 2024