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Business images of Belgium

Economy of Belgium

Belgium's economy has capitalized on the country's central geographic location, and has a well-developed transport network, and diversified industrial and commercial base. Belgium was the first European country to join the Industrial Revolution in the early 19th century. It has since developed a highly developed transportation infrastructure made up of ports, canals, railways, and highways, in order to integrate its industry with that of its neighbours.<br>Belgium's industry is concentrated mainly in the populous region of Flanders in the north, around Brussels and in the two biggest Walloon cities, Liege and Charleroi, along the Sillon industrial. Belgium imports raw materials and semi-finished goods that are further processed and re-exported. Except for its coal, which is no longer economical to exploit, Belgium has few natural resources other than fertile soils. Despite the heavy industrial component, services dominate the country's economy and account for 77.2% of Belgium's gross domestic product (GDP), while agriculture accounts for 0.7%.

Top Sectors in Belgium

Services in Belgium

This is the biggest sector in Belgium's economy, covering things like banking, insurance, tourism, and professional services like consulting and IT. It makes up a large portion of the country's economic activity.

Manufacturing in Belgium

Belgium has a strong manufacturing base, especially in industries like chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, and machinery. This sector involves making products in factories and contributes significantly to the country's economy.

Transport and Logistics in Belgium

Belgium's strategic location in Europe has made it a hub for transportation and logistics. Its ports, like the Port of Antwerp, are crucial for importing and exporting goods, and its well developed transport infrastructure includes railways, highways, and canals.

Agriculture in Belgium

Despite its small size, Belgium has fertile soils that support agriculture. The country produces a variety of crops and livestock. Additionally, food processing is a significant part of the economy, with companies involved in turning agricultural products into food and beverages for domestic consumption and export.

Technology and Innovation in Belgium

Belgium has a reputation for innovation and technology. Its home too many research institutions and companies involved in sectors like biotechnology, nanotechnology, and aerospace. These industries drive technological advancements and contribute to economic growth.

Banking and Finance in Belgium

Belgium's financial sector includes banking, insurance, and investment services. Brussels, the capital city, hosts many financial institutions and serves as a financial center for the region. The finance sector plays a crucial role in supporting businesses and individuals with their financial needs.

Belgium - Key Economic Indicators

Exports and Imports

Belgium is quite the trading hub. It exports goods like machinery, chemicals, and diamonds. In fact, its exports make up around 85% of its GDP. On the flip side, Belgium imports a lot too, mainly in machinery, chemicals, and food products.


Belgium takes its infrastructure seriously. It has a well-connected network of roads, bridges, and railways, which help goods, move smoothly within the country and to other parts of Europe.

Balance of Trade

Belgium's balance of trade is in a good place. That means it exports more than it imports. This surplus is great for the economy because it brings in more money than it sends out.

Fiscal policy

The government in Belgium manages its money through fiscal policy. This involves deciding how much to spend on things like education, healthcare, and infrastructure, and how much to tax its citizens and businesses.

Monetary policy

Belgium's central bank keeps an eye on the country's money supply and interest rates to control inflation and keep the economy stable. They make decisions like how much money to print and what interest rates to set.

Trade agreements

Belgium is part of various trade agreements like the European Union, which helps it trade easily with other countries in the EU. It also has agreements with countries like Canada through CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) and others.

Environmental regulations

Belgium is mindful of its impact on the environment. It has regulations in place to control pollution, promote renewable energy, and protect natural resources. This ensures sustainable growth for the future.

Tax System in Belgium

Capital gains tax: In Belgium, individuals are subject to a flat rate of 33% on capital gains from investments, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. However, certain exemptions may apply depending on the type and duration of the investment.
Corporate tax rate: Belgium's corporate tax rate stands at 25% for large companies and 20% for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, there are plans to gradually reduce the corporate tax rate in the coming years to enhance competitiveness.
Sales tax: Belgium applies a value-added tax on most goods and services, with standard rates ranging from 6% to 21%. The standard rate is 21%, but certain goods and services, such as food, books, and pharmaceuticals, are taxed at reduced rates of 6% or 12%.
Property tax: Property taxes in Belgium are levied at the municipal level and vary depending on the location and value of the property. Owners of real estate are required to pay annual property taxes, which contribute to local government revenue.
Payroll tax: Belgium imposes payroll taxes on wages and salaries to fund social security programs, healthcare, and other social benefits. The tax rates are progressive, with higher income earners facing higher tax rates. Employers also contribute to social security on behalf of their employees.
Tax deductions and credits: Belgium offers various tax deductions and credits to individuals and businesses, aimed at reducing tax liabilities and promoting certain activities. These may include deductions for mortgage interest, contributions to pension plans, and investments in research and development.
Tax compliance: Belgium has a relatively high level of tax compliance, supported by a well established tax administration system. The government employs measures to enforce tax laws and ensure that individuals and businesses fulfill their tax obligations accurately and on time.
Tax burden: Overall, Belgium has a significant tax burden on individuals and businesses compared to many other countries. The combination of income taxes, social security contributions, and indirect taxes contributes to the overall tax burden, which is an important factor for individuals and businesses to consider in their financial planning.

1246 Live Notices for Belgium ....

Showing 1 to 20

Air And Water Quality Analyzes In The European Parliament Buildings In Brussels
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline16 Jul 2024
Construction Of A New Building (Completion Of The Structural Work And Finishing Touches) On The Parc Des Marêts Site, Rue Peetermans In Seraing
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline13 Sep 2024
Renewal Of The Ok Engine Park With Associated Maintenance
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline19 Jul 2024
2024/Hfb/Op/124405 - Conversion Of Existing And New Passenger, Off-Road And Vans.
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posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline15 Jul 2024
Tender For Home Charging Infrastructure & Charging Cards For Electric Passenger Cars
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline21 Aug 2024
Purchase A Multifunctional Car Pump
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline13 Sep 2024
Production Of The Municipal Bulletin
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline26 Aug 2024
Educational Training Services For Staff Of The Childcare Service Of The Office For Infrastructure And Logistics In Brussels (Oib) Of The European Commission
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline23 Sep 2024
Study, Supply And Maintenance Of Photovoltaic Solar Installations And Charging Stations For Charleroi Brussels-South Airport
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline19 Jul 2024
Architectural Services For Masonry And Prefabricated Technical Buildings Based On The Oqarcwa Qualification System
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline19 Jul 2024
Renewal Of The City And Cpas Insurance Portfolio
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline19 Jul 2024
Public Contract For The Supply Of A Bucket Crane Truck For The Atelier De Ronquières
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline22 Aug 2024
Appoint A Design Team For The Design Of Student Residences In Buildings C And D Of The Mercator Campus
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline19 Jul 2024
Providing Support For The Development Of Sectoral Guidelines For The Implementation Of The Appendix C Of The Eu Taxonomy In Priority Industries
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline16 Sep 2024
Meuse And Sambre Namur – Diving And Wreck Evacuation Services 2024-2028
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline09 Aug 2024
Joint Contract Relating To The Supply Of 41 Metal Containers For Road Transport
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline10 Sep 2024
Public Service Contract The Subject Of Which Is The Appointment Of A Temporary Employment Agency With A View To Externalizing The Payrolling Of Reception Staff And Automating The Planning Process
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline07 Aug 2024
Rental And Maintenance Of Flat Linen
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline05 Aug 2024
Vc/2024/1 - Maintenance And Optimization Of The Abba Remote Monitoring System
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline26 Aug 2024
Purchase Of Function Vehicles
country Belgium
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline18 Jul 2024