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Business images of Iraq

Economy of Iraq

The economy of Iraq is heavily reliant on the oil sector, historically providing the majority of its foreign exchange earnings. Initially an agrarian economy. it had become the third-largest economy in the Middle East due to successful industrialization and infrastructure development initiatives, including irrigation projects and transportation infrastructure. Following the invasion, the Coalition Provisional Authority aimed to modernize Iraq's economy through privatization and debt reduction. While there was rapid economic expansion, challenges such as insurgency, mismanagement, and oil shortages persisted. In recent years, improved security and foreign investment have contributed to economic growth, particularly in energy, construction, and retail sectors. Sustained economic improvement requires major policy reforms and continued development of Iraq's substantial oil reserves. Regulatory hurdles still hinder foreign investors despite growing interest in the country.

Top Sectors in Iraq

Oil services in Iraq

The Iraqi Oil Ministry tendered for the award of Service Contracts to develop Iraq's existing oil fields. The results of the tender were broadcast live on Iraqi television. Contracts were awarded for all major fields, where Production Sharing Contracts have been awarded but are currently being disputed by the Baghdad government. All contracts are awaiting final ratification by the Iraqi government, and company shares may change as a result of commercial negotiations between parties.

Retail in Iraq

In the early post-Hussein period, a freewheeling retail trade in all types of commodities operated, blurring the line between legitimate and illegitimate commerce. This was facilitated by the absence of income tax and import controls.

Travel and Tourism in Iraq

The Iraq tourism industry, which in peaceful times has profited from Iraq's many places of cultural interest (earning US$14 million in 2001), has been dormant. The Iraqi Tourism Board maintained a staff of 2,500 and 14 regional offices. State Department grant provided $2 million to help preserve Babylon, supporting the re-opening of one of the site's two museums.

Iraq - Key Economic Indicators

Exports and Imports

Iraq's economy heavily relies on oil exports, which account for the majority of its export revenues. In 2023, Iraq's exports were estimated at $70 billion, primarily comprising crude oil, refined petroleum products, and natural gas. Imports, including machinery, foodstuffs, and consumer goods, totaled around $50 billion, resulting in a positive trade balance.


Iraq has been investing in infrastructure development to rebuild its economy after years of conflict and instability. Key projects include the reconstruction of roads, bridges, and airports, as well as the rehabilitation of oil and electricity facilities. The government allocated approximately $20 billion in 2023 for infrastructure projects to improve connectivity and support economic growth.

Balance of Trade

Iraq's balance of trade has been generally positive due to its significant oil exports. In 2023, the trade surplus was about $20 billion, although it fluctuates with changes in global oil prices and domestic production levels.

Fiscal Policy

The Iraqi government uses fiscal policy to manage economic stability and development. In 2023, the fiscal deficit was around 5% of GDP. The government focuses on social spending, public investments, and subsidies, while grappling with challenges such as corruption and inefficient public administration. Efforts to diversify the economy away from oil dependence and improve tax collection are ongoing.

Monetary Policy

The Central Bank of Iraq manages monetary policy to control inflation and stabilize the Iraqi Dinar. In 2023, the inflation rate was about 3%, relatively low compared to previous years. The central bank has been working on measures to maintain price stability, including interest rate adjustments and foreign exchange interventions.

Trade Agreements

Iraq is a member of various regional organizations such as the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It also has trade agreements with neighboring countries and is part of international initiatives aimed at promoting economic cooperation and investment. However, ongoing conflicts and political instability have hindered the full realization of Iraq's trade potential.

Environmental Regulations

Iraq faces environmental challenges, including water scarcity, pollution, and desertification. The government has implemented regulations to address these issues, such as water management policies, waste management initiatives, and efforts to protect natural resources. Investment in renewable energy sources and sustainable development projects is also being promoted to mitigate environmental degradation.

Tax System in Iraq

Capital Gains Tax: Iraq imposes a capital gains tax on profits from investments, including the sale of assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. The tax rates vary depending on the type and duration of the investment.
Corporate Tax Rate: The corporate tax rate in Iraq is currently 15% for most businesses. However, certain industries may have different tax rates or be eligible for tax incentives to encourage investment and economic development.
Sales Tax: Iraq applies a value-added tax (VAT) on goods and services at a standard rate of 10%. Some items may be exempt from VAT, and certain goods may have reduced rates.
Property Tax: Property tax in Iraq is levied on the value of real estate owned by individuals and businesses. The rates and assessment methods can vary depending on the location and type of property.
Payroll Tax: Payroll taxes in Iraq are used to fund social security programs and other public services. Employers are typically responsible for withholding payroll taxes from employees' wages and remitting them to the government.
Tax Deductions and Credits: Iraq provides various tax deductions and credits to reduce tax liability for individuals and businesses. These may include deductions for certain expenses, such as education or healthcare, as well as credits for investments in specific industries or regions.
Tax Compliance: Tax compliance in Iraq involves the efficiency of tax collection and enforcement mechanisms. The government works to improve tax administration, reduce tax evasion, and enhance transparency in the tax system.
Tax Burden: The overall tax burden in Iraq represents the total amount of taxes paid by individuals and businesses relative to their income or profits. The government aims to strike a balance between generating revenue for public services and fostering economic growth by maintaining a competitive tax environment.

217 Live Notices for Iraq ....

Showing 1 to 20

Tender Announcement For Upgrading The Wet Gas Seal To A Dry Gas Seal System
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline21 Jul 2024
Preparing Pipe Valves, Pipe Accessories And Valves For The Isonization Unit In Basra For The Demi Water Project For The Isonization Unit In The Basra Refinery
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline21 Jul 2024
Announcement Of A Tender For The Expansion Of The Quality Management Department Building
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline29 Jul 2024
Preparing 7 Oil Coolers For Wolverhampton Turbo Engines
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline15 Jul 2024
Supplying horizontal pumps and their accessories for the Baghdad Governorate Sewerage Directorate/Al-Husseiniyah
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline28 Jul 2024
Rehabilitation of the grease control building in Basra Refinery
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline23 Jul 2024
Car gas systems equipment
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline28 Jul 2024
Construction of 3 protection towers / Al-Qaim Government Gas Plant
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline07 Aug 2024
Supplying LPG systems for vehicles for the Babylon branch
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline30 Jul 2024
Establishment of rehabilitation works for the loading and unloading pipe network for tanker vehicles in the Bajwan Gas Plant, Kirkuk branch
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline05 Aug 2024
Rehabilitation works for shops 615/618/622/6607 within the Mansour Municipality sector
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline14 Jul 2024
Rehabilitation works for shops (508/505) Al-Thawra Street / within the Rusafa Center Municipality Sector / 2
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline23 Jul 2024
Purchase (FORTINET) devices to develop the bank’s network infrastructure
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline04 Aug 2024
Construction of 10 sustainable renewable energy-based mini-grids of a total of 700 KWs in Northeast Syria
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline22 Jul 2024
Construction and paving of the ring road from the flour factories to the two sides of Erbil
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline29 Jul 2024
Providing generators of different capacities for health institutions affiliated with the Health Department/Nineveh
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline29 Jul 2024
Construction of a large sub-health center building in the village of Al-Nawfal in Sinjar District
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline18 Jul 2024
Provide a cadre to operate and maintain the government-owned Al-Muqdad Mill.
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
Work of (loading and unloading grains in the Baiji Grain Complex
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline16 Jul 2024
country Iraq
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline30 Jul 2024