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Business images of Mozambique

Economy of Mozambique

The economy of Mozambique is $14.396 billion by gross domestic product as of 2018, and has developed since the end of the Mozambican Civil War (1977-1992). Fiscal reforms, including the introduction of a value-added tax and reform of the customs service, have improved the government's revenue collection abilities.

Top Sectors in Mozambique

Gas and oil reserves in Mozambique

Recent oil and gas discoveries across East Africa, most notably in Mozambique and Tanzania, have seen the region emerge as a new player in the global oil and gas Industry. The discoveries have driven billions of dollars in annual investment to the region. According to BMI estimates, the finds in the last few years are more than that of any other region in the world, and the discoveries are expected to continue for the next few years.

Agriculture, fishing and forestry in Mozambique

In Mozambique, agriculture is the mainstay of the economy and the country has a great potential for growth in the sector. Agriculture employs more than 80 percent of the labour force and provides livelihoods to the vast majority of over 23 million inhabitants. Agricultural potential is high, particularly in the fertile northern regions, which accounts for the bulk of the country's agricultural surplus. The main cash crops are sugar, copra, cashew nuts, tea, and tobacco. Marine products, particularly prawns, are Mozambique's largest single export. There is an abundance of marine resources that are not fully exploited.

Mining and semi-processing in Mozambique

Mozambique exported its first batch of coal in 2011 and expects to become the world's largest coal exporter. It is also spending about US$50 billion in infrastructure projects to access its coal reserves. Mozambique is reported to have the fourth largest reserves of natural gas in the world, after Russia, Iran, and Qatar.

Mozambique - Key Economic Indicators

Exports & Imports

(i) Main Exports: Mozambique's primary exports include aluminum, liquefied natural gas (LNG), shrimp, cashew nuts, and electricity. (ii) Main Imports: The country imports a variety of goods, with the most significant categories being fuel and lubricants, machinery and spare parts, and food products.

Balance of Trade

Mozambique has historically struggled with a trade deficit, where the value of imports consistently surpasses exports. This trend continued in 2023, although the recent exploration and exploitation of LNG resources offer a potential future boost to exports.

Infrastructure Development

(i) Roads: Mozambique's road network is vast but underdeveloped, with a total length exceeding 200,000 kilometers. The government is investing in road improvements and maintenance projects. (ii) Other Projects: Alongside roads, the government is focusing on developing other critical infrastructure, including power generation (hydroelectric and LNG-based), ports, and telecommunications.

Fiscal Policy

The government aims to achieve a balance between promoting economic growth and addressing social needs through its spending and taxation policies. (i) Reducing the budget deficit remains a priority, along with improving tax collection efficiency. (ii) Investment in healthcare, education, and social safety nets is also a focus.

Monetary Policy

The Bank of Mozambique, the central bank, implements monetary policy to control inflation, currently estimated at around 8% (2023), and foster economic stability.

Trade Agreements

(i) Mozambique actively participates in regional trade agreements like the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Trade Protocol. These agreements aim to reduce trade barriers and boost regional economic integration. (ii) The country also has bilateral trade agreements with various nations, seeking to diversify its export markets and attract foreign investment.

Environmental Regulations

Mozambique has established a framework of environmental regulations to address concerns like deforestation, water pollution, and wildlife conservation. The government is working on strengthening environmental governance and promoting sustainable development practices.

Tax System in Mozambique

Capital gains tax: Still applies to profits exceeding MZN 100,000 but the rate might be subject to change based on recent legislation. It's advisable to consult a tax professional for the most up-to-date rate.
Corporate tax rate: The corporate tax rate remains at 32%.
Sales tax (VAT): The Value Added Tax (VAT) rate in Mozambique is still 17%.
Property tax: Property tax rates haven't changed significantly. They depend on location and property type. You can find details on the Mozambican tax authority website.
Payroll tax: The payroll tax structure, including contributions to Social Security, likely hasn't changed drastically. However, specific rates might have been adjusted. It's best to consult with a local payroll specialist for the latest information.
Tax deductions and credits: Tax deductions and credits in Mozambique are still generally limited.
Tax compliance: The Mozambican government's efforts to improve tax administration and collection are ongoing. It's difficult to quantify the exact progress without recent reports, but hopefully, compliance is improving.
Tax burden: The tax burden in Mozambique is likely still moderate to high for businesses, and lower for individuals. This assessment might change depending on any recent tax reforms.

225 Live Notices for Mozambique ....

Showing 1 to 20

Assessment Services Of Disaster Impacts And Development Of Customized Action Plans For 3 Districts
country Mozambique
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline19 Jul 2024
Rehabilitation Works Of The Ins Regional Emergency Response Center In Maputo Cit
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Supervision Of The Ins Maputo Regional Center Office
country Mozambique
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline23 Jul 2024
CONSULTANT SERVICES – SELECTION OF FIRMS - Design, Studies and Supervision Services for Civil Works
country Mozambique
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline07 Aug 2024
Hiring Consulting Services to update the PGA of Mavuzi and Chicamba plants and preparation of the Lichinga and Cuamba PGAs
country Mozambique
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline15 Jul 2024
Supply Of Office Furniture For Different Districts Of Cabo Delgado Open New Window
country Mozambique
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline15 Jul 2024
Service Contract To Determine The Technical Suitability And Feasibility Of 7 Pre-Selected Sites In Gaza And Maputo Provinces For The Construction Of Water Supply Systems
country Mozambique
posting date03 Jul 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
Service Contract To Carry Out Geophysical Survey And Pumping Tests For Water Projects In Gaza And Northern Maputo Provinces.
country Mozambique
posting date02 Jul 2024
deadline15 Jul 2024
Service Contract To Support Site Selection, Sustainable Business Models Elaboration, And Innovative Technologies Identification For Water Infrastructures Projects In Gaza Province And The North Of Maputo Province.
country Mozambique
posting date02 Jul 2024
deadline15 Jul 2024
Rehabilitation Of Various Buildings In Mocímboa Da Praia 6 Lots Open New Window
country Mozambique
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline15 Jul 2024
Supply Vehicles (Closed vehicle, double cab vehicles, Simple ca'oina vehicle and Equipped Ambulance Vehicle and 1 Equipped Funeral Vehicle)
country Mozambique
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline18 Jul 2024
Provision of Health Insurance
country Mozambique
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
Providing services for PGA update and elaboration
country Mozambique
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline15 Jul 2024
Design and Implementation of the Stand of the Implementation Office of the Mphanda Nkuwa Hydroelectric Project at FACIM, 2024
country Mozambique
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline16 Jul 2024
Acquisition of a Real Estate Improvement.
country Mozambique
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline16 Jul 2024
Especialista Em Comunicação Para Prestar Assistência Técnica Ao Gabinete De Coordenação De Reformas Económicas (Gcre)
country Mozambique
posting date28 Jun 2024
deadline18 Jul 2024
Contracting A Mice Consultant To Support The Operationalization Of The Mozambique Convention Bureau
country Mozambique
posting date28 Jun 2024
deadline17 Jul 2024
Mozambique Beira and Pemba International Airport Modernization Project F/S (Feasibility Study) Service
country Mozambique
posting date26 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
country Mozambique
posting date25 Jun 2024
deadline26 Jul 2024
Construction Of 50 Boreholes Equipped With Hand Pumps In Nampula Province : Malema (5), Rapale (5), Lalaua (5), Mecuburi (5), Mugovolas (5) E Murrupula (5), Angoche (5), Mussuril(5), Moma (2) Muecate (5), Errati (3)
country Mozambique
posting date22 Jun 2024
deadline22 Jul 2024