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Business images of Saudi Arabia

Economy of Saudi Arabia

The economy of Saudi Arabia is the second-largest in the Middle East and the nineteenth-largest in the world. The Saudi economy heavily relies on its petroleum sector, with oil accounting for approximately 40% of Saudi GDP and 75% of fiscal revenue in recent years, although this proportion fluctuates depending on oil prices each year. Saudi Arabia boasts the second-largest proven petroleum reserves globally and the fourth-largest measured natural gas reserves. Moreover, it holds the title of being the largest exporter of petroleum worldwide. Beyond petroleum, significant sectors of the economy include refining and chemical manufacturing, much of which is vertically integrated within the state-owned enterprise, Saudi Aramco. Additionally, Saudi Arabia is a permanent and founding member of OPEC. In 2016, the Saudi government initiated its Saudi Vision 2030 program aimed at reducing the country's dependency on oil and diversifying its economic resources. As of 2022, Saudi Arabia had made only modest progress in decreasing its reliance on oil.

Top Sectors in Saudi Arabia

Petroleum in Saudi Arabia

The petroleum sector is the backbone of Saudi Arabia's economy, representing a significant portion of its GDP and fiscal revenue. Oil extraction, production, and exportation constitute major activities within this sector, with Saudi Arabia boasting the second-largest proven petroleum reserves globally. The kingdom is also the largest exporter of petroleum in the world. In addition to oil, Saudi Arabia holds substantial reserves of natural gas, contributing to its position as a key player in the global energy market. The petroleum sector's importance extends to refining and chemical manufacturing, with significant operations conducted by the state-owned enterprise, Saudi Aramco.

Manufacturing in Saudi Arabia

Manufacturing plays a crucial role in Saudi Arabia's economic diversification efforts. The kingdom has invested heavily in developing its manufacturing capabilities, particularly in sectors such as petrochemicals, automotive, and construction materials. Petrochemical manufacturing, in particular, benefits from the abundant feedstock provided by the country's oil and gas reserves. Saudi Arabia aims to enhance its manufacturing sector's competitiveness through innovation, technology adoption, and investment in human capital.

Banking and finance in Saudi Arabia

The finance and banking sector in Saudi Arabia is a vital component of the economy, providing essential services such as banking, investment, and capital markets. The kingdom's financial sector is well-developed, with a robust regulatory framework overseen by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA). Major banks and financial institutions operate in Saudi Arabia, catering to the needs of businesses, investors, and individuals. The sector plays a crucial role in facilitating economic activities, capital allocation, and financial intermediation.

Construction and Infrastructure in Saudi Arabia

The construction and infrastructure sector is a key driver of economic growth and development in Saudi Arabia. The kingdom has embarked on ambitious infrastructure projects aimed at modernizing and expanding its transportation networks, utilities, and urban areas. Major projects include the development of airports, seaports, roads, railways, and public transportation systems. Construction activities also encompass residential, commercial, and industrial developments, supporting urbanization and economic diversification efforts.

Healthcare and Education in Saudi Arabia

Healthcare and education are priority sectors in Saudi Arabia, reflecting the government's commitment to social development and human capital investment. The kingdom has made significant investments in healthcare infrastructure, facilities, and services to provide quality healthcare to its citizens and residents. Similarly, the education sector receives substantial funding to enhance educational outcomes, promote research and innovation, and prepare the workforce for the demands of a knowledge-based economy. Public and private institutions play complementary roles in delivering healthcare and education services across the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia - Key Economic Indicators

Exports and Imports

Saudi Arabia's economy is heavily reliant on exports, primarily petroleum products such as crude oil, refined petroleum, and petrochemicals. These exports constitute a significant portion of the country's GDP and government revenue. Imports, on the other hand, consist mainly of machinery, equipment, foodstuffs, and consumer goods. The value of exports often exceeds that of imports, resulting in trade surpluses that contribute to the kingdom's economic stability and foreign exchange reserves.


Saudi Arabia has made substantial investments in infrastructure development to support economic growth and diversification. The kingdom boasts modern transportation networks, including extensive roadways, airports, seaports, and railways, facilitating domestic and international trade. Additionally, ongoing infrastructure projects encompass the construction of mega-cities, industrial zones, and tourism destinations. Investments in utilities, such as water supply, electricity generation, and telecommunications, further enhance the country's infrastructure capabilities, fostering economic development and quality of life improvements for its citizens.

Balance of Trade

Saudi Arabia consistently maintains a favorable balance of trade, with exports of petroleum products exceeding imports of goods and services. The kingdom's vast oil reserves and position as a leading global exporter of petroleum contribute to trade surpluses that bolster government revenues and foreign exchange reserves. However, fluctuations in oil prices and global demand can impact the balance of trade, highlighting the importance of economic diversification efforts to reduce reliance on oil exports and enhance resilience to external shocks.

Fiscal Policy

Saudi Arabia's fiscal policy involves government spending and taxation aimed at promoting economic growth, social development, and fiscal sustainability. Government spending priorities include investments in infrastructure, healthcare, education, and social welfare programs. Taxation policies encompass corporate taxes, value-added tax (VAT), customs duties, and excise taxes. The government also relies on non-oil revenues, such as fees and levies, to diversify revenue sources and reduce dependency on oil revenues.

Monetary Policy

Saudi Arabia's monetary policy is managed by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority, which aims to maintain price stability, support economic growth, and ensure the stability of the financial system. SAMA regulates the money supply, sets interest rates, and manages foreign exchange reserves to achieve these objectives. Additionally, SAMA monitors banking activities, implements prudential regulations, and oversees payment systems to maintain financial stability and confidence in the Saudi economy.

Trade Agreements

Saudi Arabia is a member of various regional and international trade agreements aimed at promoting trade liberalization and economic cooperation. While the kingdom is not part of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), it participates in agreements such as the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Arab Free Trade Area. These agreements facilitate trade among member states, promote investment, and enhance economic integration within the region.

Environmental Regulations

Saudi Arabia has implemented environmental regulations to address environmental challenges such as air and water pollution, desertification, and waste management. The government has introduced measures to promote sustainable development, conservation of natural resources, and mitigation of environmental impacts associated with industrial activities, including the petroleum sector. Initiatives include investments in renewable energy, water conservation projects, and environmental monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance with regulations and standards.

Tax System in Saudi Arabia

Capital Gains Tax: Saudi Arabia does not currently impose a capital gains tax on profits from investments. Income generated from the sale of assets, including stocks, bonds, and real estate, is typically not subject to taxation under the current regime.
Corporate Tax Rate: The corporate tax rate in Saudi Arabia is set at a flat rate of 20% on business profits. This tax is levied on the income earned by corporations operating within the kingdom, including both domestic and foreign entities.
Sales Tax: Saudi Arabia implemented a value-added tax (VAT) system in 2018, with a standard rate of 15%. VAT is applied to the sale of goods and services at each stage of production and distribution, ultimately borne by the end consumer.
Property Tax: As of now, Saudi Arabia does not impose a property tax on real estate holdings. Property ownership is not subject to annual taxation based on the value of the property.
Payroll Tax: Saudi Arabia does not have a specific payroll tax on wages and salaries. However, social security contributions are deducted from employees' wages to fund social security benefits, including pensions and healthcare.
Tax Deductions and Credits: Saudi Arabia may offer various tax deductions and credits to reduce tax liability for individuals and businesses. These deductions and credits could include allowances for business expenses, investment in certain sectors, and contributions to charitable organizations.
Tax Compliance: Tax compliance in Saudi Arabia refers to the efficiency of tax collection and enforcement mechanisms. The government implements measures such as taxpayer education programs, electronic filing systems, and enforcement actions against tax evasion to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.
Tax Burden: The overall tax burden in Saudi Arabia represents the total amount of taxes paid by individuals and businesses to the government. It is influenced by factors such as tax rates, deductions, credits, and the efficiency of tax collection. Managing the tax burden is crucial for maintaining fiscal sustainability and promoting economic growth and development in the kingdom.

1649 Live Notices for Saudi Arabia ....

Showing 1 to 20

The Project To Rehabilitate Medium Voltage Cables In Various Areas, The Second Phase, At The King Faisal Naval Base In Jeddah
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline22 Jul 2024
A Project To Establish An Administrative Building And A Parking Building In King Saud Medical City
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline04 Sep 2024
Equipping The Border Guard Facilities In The Najran Region
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline19 Jul 2024
Food Culture Festival
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline14 Jul 2024
Giz Launches A Call For Tenders For The Selection Of A Company With A View To Setting Up A Badge Access Control System Without Biometric Data At The Main Building Of Giz Chad
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline18 Jul 2024
Construction, operation and maintenance of a mixed-use commercial and residential complex on Al-Arbaeen Street
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline11 Sep 2024
Establishment, operation and maintenance of Kiosk 1 , 2 opposite Al-Muzhailif Market and Kiosk1,2, 3 in Duqah
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline11 Sep 2024
Establishment, operation and maintenance of a wedding hall in Al-Muzhailif , an ATM in Duqah
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline11 Sep 2024
Operating and maintaining advertising and billboards , Restoration, operation and maintenance of a sports stadium in Al-Hisba and Construction, operation and maintenance of a mixed-use commercial and residential complex on Al-Arbaeen Street
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline11 Sep 2024
Establishment, operation and maintenance of multi-use shops in Douqa , Al-Mudhaylif Corniche , Duqah
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline11 Sep 2024
Restoration, operation and maintenance of a hall for events, events and conferences in Al-Muzhailif , Construction, operation and maintenance of a Class C fuel station on Sabya Blouma Road, Ras Muhaisen and Class C fuel station in Al-Muzhailif
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline11 Sep 2024
Establishing, operating and maintaining an operations camp, collecting and transporting commercial waste to specified facilities within the scope of the Al-Awali Municipality
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline23 Oct 2024
Establishing, operating and maintaining an operations camp, collecting and transporting commercial waste to specified facilities within the scope of the Quba Municipality Commercial waste
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline08 Oct 2024
Establishing, operating and maintaining an operations camp, collecting and transporting commercial waste to specified facilities within the scope of the municipality of Uhud Commercial waste
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline24 Sep 2024
Construction, operation and maintenance of a multi-use building on King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Road , sports complex on Omar bin Al- Khattab Road in front of the Saudi Electronic University, building materials complex, the intersection of King Khalid bin Abdulaziz Road and Alba Bin Zaid Road and an operations camp, collecting and transporting commercial waste to specified facilities within the scope of Al-Aqiq Municipality Commercial waste
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline10 Sep 2024
Restoration, operation and maintenance of Kiosk No. (2) at the intersection of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road and Wadi Al-Aqiq Corniche Road and addition of factory buildings, tanks and tanks on Mubarak bin Abdul Mohsen bin Baz Road Tanks and cisterns
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline03 Sep 2024
Construction, operation and maintenance of a multi-use building on Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Road , complex of chalets on King Saud bin Abdulaziz Road
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline03 Sep 2024
implement the professional supervision and training management project
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline16 Jul 2024
Providing Supplies For The Royal Commission In Yanbu
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline07 Oct 2024
Competition To Secure Supplies For The Genetics, Molecular And Cellular Genetics Departments
country Saudi Arabia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline13 Aug 2024