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Business images of Zambia

Economy of Zambia

Zambia is a developing country that achieved middle-income status in 2011. In the first decade of the 21st century, Zambia's economy was one of the fastest-growing in Africa, with its capital, Lusaka, being the fastest-growing city in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). However, in recent years, Zambia's economic performance has stalled due to declining copper prices, significant fiscal deficits, and energy shortages.In terms of the ease of doing business, Zambia is currently ranked 8th in Africa, 5th in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and 4th in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). Additionally, Zambia ranks as the 8th most competitive country in Africa on the Global Competitiveness Index. Recently, Forbes ranked Zambia 7th as the best country for doing business among 54 African countries.<b>Despite the government's efforts to reduce the cost of doing business, other key indicators of the business environment, such as trade restrictions and government and judicial integrity, have deteriorated.

Top Sectors in Zambia

Mining in Zambia

Zambia's largest copper mine announced their intention to withdraw their investment. However, surging copper prices from 2004 to the present day rapidly rekindled international interest in Zambia's copper sector with a new buyer found for KCCM and massive investments in expanding capacity launched. China has become a major investor in the Zambian copper industry, and in February 2007, the two countries announced the creation of a Chinese-Zambian economic partnership zone around the Chambishi copper mine.Zambia is the world's second biggest producer of emeralds, with its Kafubu River area deposits (Kagem Mines) about 45 km (28 mi) southwest of Kitwe responsible for 20% of the world's production of gem-quality stones

Agriculture in Zambia

Agriculture accounted for 85% of total employment (formal and informal) for 2000. Maize (corn) is the principal cash crop as well as the staple food. Other important crops include soybean, cotton, sugar, sunflower seeds, wheat, sorghum, pearl millet, cassava, tobacco and various vegetable and fruit crops. Floriculture is a growth sector, and agricultural non-traditional exports now rival the mining industry in foreign exchange receipts. Zambia has the potential for significantly increasing its agricultural output; currently, less than 20% of its arable land is cultivated. In the past, the agriculture sector suffered from low producer prices, difficulties in availability and distribution of credit and inputs, and the shortage of foreign exchange.

Fisheries and Livestock in Zambia

The Fisheries and Livestock sub-sector in Zambia contributes to employment creation, food and nutrition security, and economic growth

Energy in Zambia

Energy in Zambia is the production of energy and electricity, for consumption or export. The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has the mandate to balance and safeguard the interests of all energy stakeholders.

Petroleum in Zambia

Zambia is a net importer of petroleum Oil & Mineral Fuels ranked top amongst the country's trade imports at a value of U$1.26 billion. the ERB migrated from a Quarterly pricing cycle to a monthly pricing cycle to enable the local price of fuel to be more responsive to the market fundamentals namely: international oil prices and the Kwacha/US Dollar exchange rate prevailing in the month preceding the pricing decision.Further, following the UPND governments' policy decision to place INDENI Petroleum Refinery on care and maintenance, the nation moved to one type of Diesel sold on the market, and that is the imported Low Sulphur

Tourism in Zambia

Zambia's tourism revenue has been generally raised from local and international tourists visiting the Victoria Falls in Livingstone, and its associated attractions such as the Livingstone Museum and the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. In July 2020, the Livingstone Tourism Association reported that during the Heroes and Unity holidays the holiday site received a record number of visitors.Celebrities such as Will Smith and some Entrepreneur have visited the tourist site with the latter celebrating her £3 million nuptials in a picturesque ceremony at The Royal Livingstone Hotel by the banks of the Zambezi River.

Tourism in Zambia

Zambia's tourism revenue has been generally raised from local and international tourists visiting the Victoria Falls in Livingstone, and its associated attractions such as the Livingstone Museum and the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. In July 2020, the Livingstone Tourism Association reported that during the Heroes and Unity holidays the holiday site received a record number of visitors.Celebrities such as Will Smith and some Entrepreneur have visited the tourist site with the latter celebrating her £3 million nuptials in a picturesque ceremony at The Royal Livingstone Hotel by the banks of the Zambezi River.

Zambia - Key Economic Indicators

Exports & Imports

Zambia's economy relies heavily on exports, particularly copper and other minerals. Their main trading partners include Switzerland, China, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Zambia also imports a variety of goods, including machinery, vehicles, and food products.

Balance of Trade

While export values have been increasing, recent data suggests a shift. Due to the decline in copper exports in 2023, Zambia's trade surplus may have narrowed or even flipped into a deficit. This could put pressure on the Zambian Kwacha, the national currency.

Infrastructure Development

The Zambian government is investing in infrastructure development, particularly roads and bridges. However, the overall road network, estimated at around 97,000 kilometers in 2023, requires further improvement.

Fiscal Policy

The Zambian government faces challenges in balancing spending with revenue collection. In 2023, the depreciation of the Kwacha likely impacted government revenue. They aim to invest in social programs and infrastructure while managing the national debt, which is a significant challenge.

Monetary Policy

The Bank of Zambia, the country's central bank, implements monetary policy to control inflation and promote economic stability. This may involve adjusting interest rates or managing the money supply. In 2023, inflation remained a concern, and the Bank may have implemented measures to address it.

Trade Agreements

Zambia participates in several regional trade agreements, such as the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), which helps facilitate trade with neighboring countries.

Environmental Regulations

Zambia has established environmental regulations to protect its natural resources and minimize pollution. However, enforcing these regulations effectively remains an ongoing challenge.

Tax System in Zambia

Capital Gains Tax: Zambia imposes a capital gains tax of 10% on gains realized from the disposal of specified assets, including shares and property.
Corporate Tax Rate: The corporate tax rate in Zambia remains at 35% for mining companies and 30% for non-mining companies.
Sales Tax: In 2019, Zambia replaced its value-added tax (VAT) system with a sales tax system. The standard rate of sales tax is 16%, although certain goods and services may be exempt or subject to different rates.
Property Tax: Property tax in Zambia is levied annually based on the assessed value of the property. Rates and assessment methods can vary by location.
Payroll Tax:The payroll tax includes social security contributions deducted from employees' wages and contributions from employers. This tax helps fund social security programs.
Tax Deductions and Credits:Zambia's tax system provides for various deductions and tax incentives to encourage investment and economic activities in specific sectors.
Tax Compliance: Efforts are ongoing to improve tax compliance through reforms and modernization of tax administration systems to enhance efficiency and transparency.
Tax Burden: The overall tax burden in Zambia can impact investment decisions and economic activities. Efforts to balance tax revenue needs with economic growth and competitiveness are important considerations for policymakers.

137 Live Notices for Zambia ....

Showing 1 to 20

Request for Applications LGHS project
country Zambia
posting date04 Jul 2024
deadline30 Jul 2024
National Technical Consultant – Productive Use Of Electricity Initiatives In Zam Open New Window
country Zambia
posting date02 Jul 2024
deadline22 Jul 2024
Supply And Delivery Of Double And Single Seater School Desks For Various Schools In Gwembe District
country Zambia
posting date01 Jul 2024
deadline15 Jul 2024
Ncc/Des/Psu/Cdf/Kb/W/06/24-11: Tender For Rehabilitation Of A Classroom With Blown Off Roof At Dambo Combined School In Kabushi Ward - Kabushi Constituency
country Zambia
posting date01 Jul 2024
deadline14 Jul 2024
Supply And Installation Of Enterprise Resourse Planning (Erp)
country Zambia
posting date01 Jul 2024
deadline14 Jul 2024
Sustainability Market Investment verification, Graphics Design, GIS and Remote Sensing and Documentation, Marketing and External Communication
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Stove tests (thermal efficiency, emissions, durability, thermal shock, etc.)Capacity assessment and capacity development for Producer Groups, AMCOS and Cooperatives and Field onsite verification
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Civil and Building works, special construction contractors, Water, Wastewater laboratory services and Menstrual Hygiene Management related research, training and capacity building
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Community mobilization and organization with particular focus in vulnerable communities and Design and production of innovative hand washing systems
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Design and Construction of Faecal Sludge Treatment Systems and or Sanitation Facilities and Faecal Sludge Management and Solid Waste Management, segregation/recycling, emptying and transportation services, managing treatment facilities and promotion of reuse of end products
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Design of Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants, including reuse of end products and Faecal Sludge analysis and monitoring (laboratory services)
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Urban planning with GIS mapping expertise, (sanitation mapping), sanitation planning (including master plan development) and Climate change, vulnerability and resilience expertise - landscape approaches; deforestation free value chains; experience with the synergy of climate vulnerability, urban WASH and livelihood
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Behaviour Change Communication (development of strategies and tools and message design), Sanitation Financing (sanitation micro credit/micro-financing), sanitation marketing, Promotion of Sanitation as a business & Sanitation business model development
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Conducting Consumer Studies in the three sectors – Agriculture; Energy or WASH and Skills Development for Lead Farmers; Model farmers – with particular attention to Gender and Gender specific skills development
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Proposal development/proposal writing, Developing business cases, and conducting Market Analysis in any of our three target sectors, Political Economy Analysis in targeted value chains or markets and Research, Advocacy and Policy Development
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Media and communication services including professional services in graphic design, video production, photography, social media, case studies, narrative content development and editing -translations and website design and development, ICT product development and services in desktop and mobile applications for data collection and analysis, database management, monitoring and evaluation and ICT based solutions for value chain actors in the three sectors i.e. streamlining the supply chain, mobile payment solutions, providing online extension services, streamline delivery of products to clients, quality control applications
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Multi-stakeholder Dialogue and solution development - facilitation and coordination to ensure market system change, Organizational Audits and capacity development of organizations to improve financial, operational and procurement systems and structures and Human resource management services inclusive of Recruitment Services, Salary Surveys and Workforce planning, Learning and Development and employee wellbeing programmes
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – provision of; use of; training stakeholders to use them, Governance, accountability, and leadership – with a specific focus on building these skills in Associations/ CSOs/ Cooperatives/ Producer or Processor Groups and Organizational and institutional development
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Monitoring, Evaluation, Verification and Learning (MEVL) - including conducting monitoring and evaluation exercises; conducting baseline and end line surveys; Project Mid-term Reviews, conducting Outcome mapping and surveys; building of capacity amongst stakeholders to develop MEVL plans and conduct quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024
Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Audits, Waste Management, Natural Resources Management, Local Economic Development (Urban and Rural) and Engineering (civil and / or mechanical) for design of appropriate technologies in Agriculture, Energy and WASH
country Zambia
posting date29 Jun 2024
deadline25 Jul 2024