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Framework Agreement Thin -Layer
Sealed bids are invited for the construction of the Replace Windows of Main Buildings project at Rappahannock Community College, Glenns and Warsaw Campuses, Project Code # 260-B4260-073 (M24RC178) located in Saluda, Virginia and Warsaw, Virginia respectively. The project is generally described as the replacement of windows on the main classroom building and annex building at the Warsaw Campus, and the main classroom building at the Glenns Campus, including minor repairs to the interior and exterior elements related to window replacement and cleaning exterior elements, and the abatement of hazardous materials encountered in the course of the work as indicated in hazardous materials reports and abatement specification included in the project manual. Sealed bids will be received electronically through eVA or at Virginia Community College System, Attention: Mrs. Sibyl Roberts, 300 Arboretum Place, Suite 200, Richmond, Virginia 23236, Telephone (804) 819-4918. PLEASE NOTE: For shipping/mailing, use Suite 390; for hand delivery, use Suite 200. The deadline for submitting bids is 2:00 P.M. sharp, as determined by the Bid Officer, on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. The bids will be opened publicly and read aloud beginning at 2:00 P.M., on the following day, Thursday, March 27, 2025, at the same location. In person hand delivery is supported on bid day at the stated location. Building is open during regular business hours. All visitors need to sign in at the virtual receptionist (iPad on the wall in the main lobby.) Bids may be modified as per the Instructions to Bidders using fax number (804) 819-4762 and copying A Standard Commonwealth Bid Bond is required (form CO-10.2) and Contract Security is required for any bid regardless of the bid amount. The bidder or offeror shall be a registered vendor in eVA. A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at Rappahannock Community College, Warsaw Campus, 52 Campus Drive, Warsaw, Virgini
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