Latest Egypt Banking and Finance tenders. Discover new opportunities for Banking and Finance tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Egypt.
Egypt's banking and finance market is one of the most developed in Africa, with a total asset value of over $400 billion. The sector is dominated by a handful of large state-owned banks, but there is also a growing number of private banks and non-bank financial institutions. The government is committed to developing the sector further, and has introduced a number of reforms in recent years to improve the regulatory environment and promote financial inclusion.
The Egyptian government is a major purchaser of banking and finance products and services. In 2022, the government spent over $1 billion on these products and services. The government procures a wide range of banking and finance products and services, including loans, credit cards, insurance, and investment products.
The Egyptian government procures a wide range of banking and finance products and services, including:
Loans: The government procures loans from both domestic and foreign banks to finance its budget deficit and infrastructure projects.
Credit cards: The government procures credit cards for its employees and officials.
Insurance: The government procures insurance for its assets and employees.
Investment products: The government procures investment products, such as bonds and mutual funds, to manage its reserves.
The top authorities for Egypt banking and finance procurement are:
The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE): The CBE is responsible for regulating the banking sector and overseeing government procurement of banking and finance products and services.
The Ministry of Finance: The Ministry of Finance is responsible for developing and implementing the government's procurement policies.
The General Authority for Public Procurement (GAPP): The GAPP is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the government's procurement policies.
The top winners of Egypt banking and finance procurement are:
National Bank of Egypt (NBE): The NBE is the largest bank in Egypt and a major supplier of banking and finance products and services to the government.
Banque Misr: Banque Misr is the second largest bank in Egypt and a major supplier of banking and finance products and services to the government.
Commercial International Bank (CIB): CIB is a leading private bank in Egypt and a major supplier of banking and finance products and services to the government.
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