10 Live Notices for Travel and Tourism bids and RFP from Egypt
Showing 1 to 10
Renting a Land of the Information Office in the tourist area located in Ain Al Silin
Renting a Ain Al Shaer land in the tourist area located in Ain Al Silin
Renting a Al-Tahona Cafeteria in the tourist area of Ain Al-Sileen
Renting a Take-away cafeteria in the tourist area of Ain Al-Sileen
Provision for external and internal trips - Domestic flights
Provision for external and internal trips -Foreign trips
Shop Rental Numbers 44, 52On the tourist walkway on Al Salam Road in Sharm El SheikhWith a Unfruct system for 5 years
Operator to occupy and utilize spaces (approximately 1.5 m2 in the domestic travel hall + approximately 1.5 m2 in the international travel hall) to place vending machines at Luxor International Airport
Purchasing seminar chairs for the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at the university during the fiscal year 2024/2025
Provision Of Customs Clearance Services