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eProcurement, Indicative Announcement, Procurement Plans from Rwanda

Below are the Indicative Announcements, Procurement Plans from Rwanda

Government procurement in Rwanda is governed by the Law N° 62/2018 of 25/08/2018 on Public Procurement. The objective of government procurement is to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in the acquisition of goods, works, and services for government entities.

The Rwanda Public Procurement Authority (RPPA) is the regulatory authority responsible for overseeing government procurement processes in Rwanda. It establishes regulations, procedures, and guidelines for public tenders, monitors compliance, and promotes fair competition and integrity in public procurement.

Procurement opportunities in Rwanda are typically advertised on the Rwanda Government e-Procurement System (e-GP System). It serves as the central platform where government entities publish their procurement notices, tender documents, and contract awards. Suppliers can access the e-GP System to search for tender opportunities, download documents, and participate in the bidding process.

Government entities in Rwanda are required to develop annual procurement plans that outline their anticipated procurement activities. These plans provide information on upcoming projects, contract requirements, and estimated timelines. Suppliers can review these plans to identify potential procurement opportunities.

Rwanda follows the principles of open and competitive bidding in government procurement. Interested suppliers can participate in public tenders by submitting their bids or proposals according to the specified procedures and criteria. The evaluation and awarding of contracts are based on objective and predefined evaluation criteria.

The Rwanda Public Procurement Authority ensures compliance with procurement regulations in Rwanda. Suppliers and other stakeholders have the right to file complaints or appeals if they believe there have been violations or irregularities in the procurement process.

Suppliers interested in government procurement opportunities, tenders, and bids in Rwanda should regularly check the Rwanda Government e-Procurement System (e-GP System) for relevant information and updates. Additionally, they can explore online platforms like for a broader range of procurement opportunities worldwide. Tags: Rwanda eProcurement, Rwanda Indicative Announcement, Procurement Plans from Rwanda, Procurement Management, Procurement Bid Process