Latest Estonia Real Estate tenders. Discover new opportunities for Real Estate tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Estonia.
The Estonian real estate market is a small but dynamic market with a total value of approximately €250.50 billion in 2023. The market is expected to grow at an annual CAGR of 3.84% from 2023 to 2028, reaching a value of €302.50 billion by 2028. The residential real estate market is the largest segment of the Estonian real estate market, accounting for approximately 65% of the total market value. The commercial real estate market accounts for the remaining 35% of the market value.
The Estonian government is a major procurer of real estate products and services. In 2022, the Estonian government procured €234 million worth of real estate products and services.
The main real estate products and services procured by the Estonian government include:
Construction services
Real estate acquisition
Real estate rental
Real estate maintenance
The main real estate products and services procured by the Estonian government are:
Construction services: The Estonian government procures a wide range of construction services, including the construction of new buildings, the renovation of existing buildings, and the maintenance of infrastructure.
Real estate acquisition: The Estonian government acquires real estate for a variety of purposes, including office space, housing for government employees, and land for development.
Real estate rental: The Estonian government rents real estate for a variety of purposes, including office space, housing for government employees, and land for development.
Real estate maintenance: The Estonian government maintains a portfolio of real estate, including office buildings, housing for government employees, and infrastructure.
The top authorities for Estonia real estate procurement are:
The Ministry of Finance: The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the overall coordination of government procurement.
The Procurement Office: The Procurement Office is responsible for the implementation of government procurement policy and the supervision of government procurement procedures.
The Government Real Estate Department: The Government Real Estate Department is responsible for the management of the Estonian government's real estate portfolio.
The top winners of Estonia real estate procurement are:
Ehitusmeistrid: Ehitusmeistrid is a construction company that has won several large government contracts in recent years.
Merko Ehitus: Merko Ehitus is another major construction company that has won a number of government contracts.
YIT: YIT is a Finnish construction company that has a strong presence in the Estonian market.
Realprojekteerimine: Realprojekteerimine is a real estate development company that has won a number of government contracts for the development of new housing.
KMG: KMG is a real estate management company that provides a wide range of services to the Estonian government.
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