7 Live Notices for Fiji Construction Materials Tenders
Showing 1 to 7
Procrument of Project Materials for Navuniyaumunu Village and Farisi Settlement Tokaimalo, R
Provision of 2Nos. STD Grade 6 Duplex Concrete Staff Qrtrs- Sigatoka Methodist College
Provision of 2Nos. STD Grade 6 Duplex Concrete Staff Qrtrs -Rt Simione Matanitobua College
Provision of 2Nos. STD Grade 6 Duplex Concrete Staff Qrtrs -Muaira Methodist College, Ltka
Supply of Building Materials & Timber for Central and Eastern Division
Provision of New Wing Building - Sewer Mains Upgrade
Design, Installation, and Commissioning of a Solar Hybrid Pump System, New Storage Tank and Pipe Laying Works for Nabutautau