Latest Finland Architecture tenders. Discover new opportunities for Architecture tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Finland.
The Finnish architecture and urban development market is characterized by a strong emphasis on sustainability, innovation, and human-centered design. With a total revenue of €4.5 billion in 2022, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.8% over the next five years, driven by urbanization, population growth, and increasing demand for energy-efficient and sustainable buildings.
The Finnish government plays a significant role in shaping the country's architectural and urban landscape through substantial procurement of services, including:
Design of new buildings, both residential and commercial
Renovation and retrofitting of existing buildings to enhance sustainability and energy efficiency
Master planning and urban design initiatives to create livable and sustainable cities
Public infrastructure development projects, including roads, bridges, and transportation hubs
Landscape architecture and urban design to create green spaces and enhance public spaces
The main architecture and urban development products and services procured by Finland:
prefabricated wooden buildings, modular construction systems, energy-saving technologies, district heating systems, smart city planning and management solutions, and landscape architecture services.
Several key authorities oversee the Finnish government's procurement activities in the architecture and urban development sector, including:
The Ministry of the Environment
The Ministry of Transport and Communications
The Finnish National Housing Agency (ARA)
The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
The Finnish Heritage Agency (Museovirasto)
Numerous Finnish and international firms actively participate in the government's procurement process, with notable winners of recent contracts including:
AL-Design Oy
Arkkitehtitoimisto ALA Oy
JKMM Arkkitehdit Oy
Sweco Suomi Oy
WSP Finland Oy
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Finland architecture tenders, free Finland architecture tenders, architecture design tenders, Finland urban development planning tenders, Finland landscaping tenders, surveying tenders, architectural engineering tenders, Finland town planning tenders