Latest Finland Entertainment and Media tenders. Discover new opportunities for Entertainment and Media tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Finland.
The Finnish entertainment and media market is a dynamic and growing sector, with a total value of €3.8 billion in 2020. The market is driven by strong consumer demand for high-quality content, as well as a supportive government policy environment. Key sectors within the Finnish entertainment and media market include television broadcasting, radio broadcasting, film production, video games, and publishing.
The Finnish government is a significant purchaser of entertainment and media products and services. In 2020, the Finnish government spent €122 million on entertainment and media products and services. This represents 3.2% of the total value of the Finnish entertainment and media market. The Finnish government procures a wide range of entertainment and media products and services, including television programming, radio programming, films, video games, and books.
The main entertainment and media products and services procured by the Finnish government include:
Television programming
Radio programming
Video games
Cultural events
The top authorities for Finland entertainment and media procurement are:
The Ministry of Education and Culture
The Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE)
The National Audiovisual Institute (AVEK)
The Finnish Film Foundation
The Finnish Literature Foundation
The top winners of Finland entertainment and media procurement are:
The Finnish Film Foundation
The Finnish Literature Foundation
Elisa Corporation
TeliaSonera Finland Oyj
Sanoma Media Finland Oyj
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Finland entertainment and media tenders, Finland advertising tenders, film production tenders, Finland video production tenders, Finland photography tenders, Finland broadcasting services tenders, Finland media monitoring tenders, Finland public advertising tenders