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  Organization Details:
Organization Name: Housing Development Corporation
Address: 3rd Floor, HDC Building,
Rep. of Maldives

Tel: +(960) 3353535
Fax: +(960) 3358892

Contact Person: -
Notice Details:
GT Ref ID: 027134
Tender Notice Type: Invitation to Tender
Bidding Type: International
Tender Notice No: HDC (161)-PRO/IU/2018/84
Description: Letter of Invitation for Bid

Date: 09 August 2018

Invitation to Tenders No: HDC (161)-PRO/IU/2018/84

1. The [Housing Development Corporation Limited] invites sealed tenders from eligible bidders for the completion of [Construction of Harbour 2, Channel 2, Beaches and Shore Protection in Hulhumale'] and the remedying of any defects therein.

2. The [Housing Development Corporation Limited] has obtained financing from the Saudi Fund for development (SFD) for the financing of [Construction of Harbour 2, Channel 2, Beaches and Shore Protection in Hulhumale']

3. Tenderers may obtain further information about this Invitation of Tenders the office of Housing Development Corporation, Ground Floor, HDC Building, Hulhumale', Republic of Maldives

4. A complete set of the tender documents may be obtained by the interested Tenderers on submitting a written application to the aforesaid office and upon payment of non-refundable fee of USD1,500.00 (United States Dollars One Thousand Five Hundred or equivalent MVR) no later than 26th August 2018 Bidders may contact us at to acquire the bid document.

5. Tenders must be submitted to the office mentioned below in clause 7, not later than 14:00hrs on 30th September 2018 and must be accompanied by a tender security, in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, in the amount of [[USD Two Hundred Thousand Only (USD 200,000.00)]

6. Tenders will be opened in a session to be held at the office mentioned below in clause 7, and in the presence of representatives of tenderers who wish to attend. This session will take place at time and date tabulated in clause 7 of this section or such other time and date as may be notified to the tenderers.

7. Dates and timing for the tender process.

Pre-Bid Meeting: 14:00hrs, 2nd September 2018 Housing Development Corporation,
Ground Floor, HDC Building, Hulhumale',
Rep. of Maldives
Deadline for written inquiry by potential bidders:: 1400hrs, 9th September 2018 Via E-mail
Deadline for Bid submission: 14:00hrs, 30th September 2018 Housing Development Corporation,
Ground Floor, HDC Building, Hulhumale',
Rep. of Maldives
Bid opening: 14:00hrs, 30 September 2018 Housing Development Corporation,
Ground Floor, HDC Building, Hulhumale',
Rep. of Maldives

Deadline: 30th September 2018; 14:00 hrs.
Updates: -
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