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  Organization Details:
Organization Name: Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
Address: Av. Espana 1680,
Region de Valparaiso
Tel: +56 32 265 4682

Contact Person:  
Notice Details:
GT Ref ID: 027251
Notice Type: Contract Award
Bidding Type:  -
Tender Notice No: -

Purchase of 1100 mm diameter borosilicate optical blank for mold manufacturing.

Proyecto de apoyo Basal AFB 180002

Regarding the call for bids for the acquisition of a 1.1 m borosilicate optical blank dated August 04, 2020, the award committee has decided the following:

Considering that:

- Only one bidder has submitted to the tender.

- The offer adequately satisfies the requested technical requirements.

The Award of the Public Tender has been awarded to Wangness Optics for the sum of US $ 26,715 plus an estimated US $ 6,171 for taxes and customs expenses, assuming a change of US $ 1 = CL $ 761.34 according to the Central Bank of Chile on August 4, 2020.

Deadline: -
Updates: RFP RFQ Tender Notice pdf documentOriginal Document (89 KB)

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