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Organization Name: | Crodux Energetika d.o.o. |
Address: | Ulica Kaptol 19, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia |
Contact Person: | - |
Notice Details: | |
GT Ref ID: | 027308 |
Tender Notice Type: | Tender Notice |
Bidding Type: | International |
Tender Notice No: | CE-2021-09-30/AS |
Description: |
INVITATION FOR PRELIMINARY TENDERS Croatia HYBRID POWER PLANT SLAVONSKI BROD Name of the Project: HYBRID POWER PLANT SLAVONSKI BROD Tender No.: CE-2021-09-30/AS Country of the Project: Croatia Employer: CRODUX Energetika d.o.o. 10000 Zagreb, Croatia OIB/PIN: 87924471795 Type of notice: Invitation for preliminary tender for Construction Issue date: 4th of October 2021 Closing date: 24th of December 2021, 12:00 a.m. CET CRODUX ENERGETIKA d.o.o. (Employer) is in the greenfield phase of the complex project HYBRID POWER PLANT SB, on a greenfield area near the city of Slavonski Brod on the Sava River. Project relates to construction of a 500 MW hybrid combined-cycle power plant (CCPP) together with CCUS (carbon capture, utilization and storage) and H2 production with electrolysis, hereinafter referred to as "HYBRID POWER PLANT SLAVONSKI BROD". Acronym for project is "CCGPP+H2+CCUS/SB". The power plant is planned to be built in two phases, Phase I and Phase II (250 + 250 MW CCGPP) and for each phase of the Project facility for carbon capture and hydrogen production is predicted. Heat output is planned for Phase II. The subject of this Tender is EPCM for the Phase I (CCGPP 250 MWe, CCU, H2, Gas connection pipeline, 110 KV cable). Each Phase shall consist of natural gas fired, heavy duty/industrial type gas turbine(s) in any combination 1+1 / 2+1 / 3+1…, each connected to a dedicated unfired, dual-pressure level HRSGs (Heat Recovery Steam Generator). The steam turbine shall be of condensing type with process steam bleeds for internal consumption e.g CC. Tenderer can offer dedicate CC for each GT+HRSG or some other solution. The first phase is net rated capacity up to 250 MW and the main task is to design a power plant which will be able to provide very flexible electricity production with quick ramp-up rates able to provide peak shaving purposes and ancillary services. Whole emissions will be passed thru carbon capture (CC) process and depending on the electricity market price produced kWh will be eventually used for production of H2 through electrolysis with storage tanks. The Project includes the auxiliary systems and civil, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation works. Project will also include HV-110 kV cable connection to switchyard Slavonski Brod and gas connection to gas pipeline connection to MRS Slavonski Brod east. Project will be financed from own funds, through bank loans and Investors. In this preliminary tender Bidders are free to propose their best technical solution and combination of turbines (1+1 / 2+1 / 3+1 or some other). Employer invites sealed Tenders from eligible Tenderers to submit preliminary tender for EPCM of the Phase I of the Project with intention to: 1. To prequalify eligible bidders 2. To receive preliminary technical solutions for Phase I and to make final decision about combination of turbines Project: HYBRID POWER PLANT SLAVONSKI BROD 3. To receive budgetary proposals for Phase I Final Contract for the Project – Phase I will include Design (main, detailed, as-built), Engineering, Procurement and Construction on turnkey basis. This will also include licensing, permitting, site preparation and installation along with all necessary interconnections and infrastructure, certification, training, commissioning (incl. functional testing, guarantee tests and trial run) and taking-over according to contract and local legislative. In addition to the above, the final Contract will include LTSA contract. Employer's responsibility will be to amend location permit and environmental permit as needed before issuing final tender for Phase I. Any changes during contractor's design which may result in need to change previously obtained permits will be responsibility of Tenderer. Preliminary tender is open to all Tenderers from all countries. Tender documents can be obtained by sending free of charge application form given in this Invitation. Applications should be sent to the following Office address: CRODUX ENERGETIKA d.o.o. Ulica Kaptol 19, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia e-mail: Application is obligatory and only tenders from tenderers that have applied will be considered. Only applied tenderers will receive clarifications and addenda to tender documents. In case of Joint Venture or Consortium at least one member must be applied who can transfer clarifications and addenda to other members. Preliminary Phase I Tender documents must be duly completed and delivered to Office address, latest on 24th of December 2021 at 12:00 a.m. Central European Time: Documents which are received late may be rejected. Click here for more details |
Deadline: | 24 December 2021; 12:00 a.m. Central European Time |
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