7 Live Notices for GCC Recycling Tenders
Showing 1 to 7
Purchase Supply And Installation Of Paper Recycling Equipment
Procurement of Spare parts for metal extension joints for salt water recycling pump for the distillers
1056105 - Mab - Spare Parts For Centrifugal Recycle Gas Compressor
Construction, operation and maintenance of a tire recycling plant on plot number (6) in plan 786-(1) west of Dammam
Construction, operation and maintenance of industrial and mineral oils collection, transportation, milling and recycling plant on plot number (1) in plan number (1-786) west of Al-Dammam city
Construction, operation and maintenance of industrial and mineral oils collection, transfer, milling and recycling plant on plot number (2) in plan number (1-786) west of Al-Dammam city
1053158 - Procurement, Construction, Testing And Commissioning Of New Auxiliary Turbines Of Recycle Gas Compressors In Ard C-41/42/81/82-001-T-P-001A-T & C-41/42/81/82-001-P-001A-T At Maa Refinery