Latest Germany Education and Training tenders. Discover new opportunities for Education and Training tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Germany.
The German education and training market is one of the largest in Europe, with a total value of over €100 billion. The market is characterized by a strong focus on vocational training, as well as a growing demand for higher education.
The German government is a major procurer of education and training products and services. In 2020, the government spent over €30 billion on education and training procurement.
Main Education and Training Products and Services Procured by Germany Government
The German government procures a wide range of education and training products and services. Some of the most commonly procured products and services include:
Vocational training courses: The German government procures a large number of vocational training courses, which are designed to prepare young people for the workforce.
Higher education courses: The German government also procures a significant number of higher education courses, which are designed to prepare students for academic careers.
Training materials: The government procures a wide range of training materials, such as textbooks, software, and online resources.
Educational technology: The government is increasingly investing in educational technology, such as interactive whiteboards and tablets.
Consulting services: The government procures consulting services to help it develop and implement its education and training policies.
The following are some of the top authorities for Germany education and training procurement:
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
The Federal Employment Agency (BA)
The KfW Development Bank
The European Social Fund (ESF)
The following are some of the top winners of Germany education and training procurement contracts:
Deutsche Telekom
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