Access Global tenders from Suriname. Bid on readily available international tenders from Suriname with the best and oldest online tendering platform, since 2002. Find perfect opportunities to sell to a staggering 500000 buyers, encompassing both private companies and government departments across Suriname and the world.
Suriname's economy is heavily reliant on natural resources, particularly gold and bauxite. In 2021, the country's GDP was estimated at $298.47 crore, with a GDP per capita of $4,869.13. Gold exports account for over three-quarters of Suriname's total exports, while the country imports a wide range of goods, including machinery, fuel, and food. Global trade plays a significant role in Suriname's economy, with exports worth an estimated $2.58 billion in 2021 and imports valued at $3.2 billion. The government is a major purchaser of goods and services, with procurement spending estimated at $570 million in 2021.
With, navigating the Suriname tender landscape becomes smoother, more informed, and ultimately, more successful.