164 Live Notices for 科摩罗招标
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Supply of Aluminum partitioning of the PMU premises and development of the coordinator's office
consultant for the development of economic models and financial plans to facilitate investments in the mini-grid sector.
Assistant Technique En Sécurité Maritime
Recrutement D’Un Responsable Administratif Et Financier Par Appel À Manifestation D’Intérêt
Recrutement D'Un Consultant Pour L'Audit Opérationnel Et Evaluation Du Processus
Mise En Place D’Un Accord Cadre A Long Terme Pour La Prestation De Services De Dedouanement Et Services Connexes Aux Comores
Friend - Comoros - International Expert In Markets And Contract Management - Pacmfcr
Travaux De Clôture, Aménagement, Sécurisation Par Des Barbelés À Lames De Rasoir
Travaux De Clôture, Aménagement, Sécurisation Par Des Barbelés À Lames De Rasoir
Supply, Installation, Integration, Commissioning and Maintenance of two (02) Tide Gauges and two (02) Wave Buoys at the Ports of MUTSAMUDU and MORONI and Real-Time Data Collection.
Provide a Certificate showing that the bidder has executed one (01) similar contract for the acquisition of engines during the last 10 years with the satisfaction of the Client
provide a certificate from a construction site approved by ANAM and DGRH, in the Union of the Comoros
Acquisition and installation of a liquefier intended for the Rural Economic Development Center (CRDE) of Diboini on behalf of the FSRP-KM Project
Acquisition D'Équipements Pour Les Tpe/Pme Bénéficiaires Du Programme Apile Aux Comores
Design, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Solar Water Pumping Systems in Comoros
Acquisition and installation of a hybrid solar system
Travaux et Fourniture de Mobilier pour la Réhabilitation/extension de huit (08) Collèges Ruraux (CR) et six (06) Ecoles Primaires Publiques (EPP) aux Comores
Travaux et Fourniture de Mobilier pour la Réhabilitation/extension de huit (08) Collèges Ruraux (CR) et six (06) Ecoles Primaires Publiques (EPP) aux Comores
Eastern And Southern Africa - Eastern And Southern Africa- P163399- East Africa Skills For Transformation And Regional Integration Project (Eastrip) - Procurement Plan (English)