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摩洛哥的政府采购制度管理着大量预算,估计表明,年支出超过2000亿美元(约200亿美元)。该系统涵盖了各个部门,包括基础设施,医疗保健和教育。尽管不容易获得有关合同数量和平均值的具体数字,但政府强调其采购过程中的透明度和效率。 Marocachats:摩洛哥利用一个名为“ Marocachats”的电子采购平台来促进在线招标和合同管理。该平台旨在提高潜在供应商之间的透明度和竞争。 ANPP:政府建立了国家公共采购机构(ANP)来监督和规范整个采购过程。 ANPP负责制定和实施采购政策,并监视遵守这些政策。

从中找到所有政府招标 摩洛哥 具有100%精度。政府 摩洛哥 投标涵盖所有部门,包括

  • 摩洛哥各部委的招标
  • 摩洛哥中央部门招标
  • 摩洛哥议会招标
  • 摩洛哥市政当局招标
  • 摩洛哥城市招标
  • 摩洛哥国家招标

  • 摩洛哥 政府授予所有行业商品和服务的合同。最受欢迎的类别 摩洛哥 政府采购是 -
    • 摩洛哥安全服务招标
    • 摩洛哥运输招标
    • 摩洛哥可再生能源招标
    • 摩洛哥的防御招标
    • 摩洛哥医疗保健招标
    • 摩洛哥制药招标
    • 摩洛哥软件招标
    • 摩洛哥建筑招标
    • 摩洛哥咨询招标
    • 摩洛哥农业招标

    摩洛哥 政府发布各种招标 -
    • 摩洛哥RFP-一份文件,概述了摩洛哥政府对拟议项目或服务的要求,邀请供应商提交详细的建议。
    • 摩洛哥RFQ-摩洛哥政府将RFQ发送给潜在的供应商,以征集特定的商品或服务定价。
    • 摩洛哥RFI-摩洛哥机构发布的信息请求在发布正式的提案请求(RFP)或报价请求(RFQ)之前,摩洛哥机构收集有关其能力和产品的一般信息(RFQ),以收集有关其能力和产品的一般信息。
    • 摩洛哥EOI-摩洛哥当局出版了EOI,作为在发行正式招标之前衡量利益和能力的初步调查。
    • 摩洛哥一般采购通知 - 一般采购通知(GPN)是摩洛哥关于即将到来的商品,服务或工作的采购机会的公开宣布,邀请有兴趣的供应商表达自己的兴趣并为进一步的投标程序做准备。
    • 摩洛哥资格预审 - 摩洛哥政府部门发布了资格预审通知,以在正式竞标开始之前根据技能和资源过滤潜在的竞标者。
    • 摩洛哥项目 - 项目生命周期中的招标要大得多。项目是“广泛”的通知,指示买方将来将在其中采购商品或服务的行业。这有助于制造商/供应商为摩洛哥政府的未来大订单安排资源。
    • 摩洛哥合同奖 - 合同奖是摩洛哥政府对获胜竞标者的正式宣布,该公告通过包含承包商的详细信息,投标金额等,为先前宣传的项目提供了一项以前广告的项目。

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    443 Live Notices for 摩洛哥招标

    Showing 1 to 20

    The Purpose Of This Project Is The Supply Of Komatsu Wabco Spare Parts: (See Attached Project Technical Brief)
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    Purchase Of Forklift Trucks, Stackers And Pallet Trucks:  03 16T Forklift Truck  01 4T Forklift Truck  02 1.6T Pedestrian Stacker  02 1.5T Electric Pallet Truck (See Attached Project Technical Brief)
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    The work covered by the specifications consists of the installation of video surveillance-lan
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    Supply of regulation and instrumentation parts For more details
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    Project for the supply of spring elements for the PHOSBOUCRAA treatment plant Consistency
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    roject for the supply of control valves for the PHOSBOUCRAA treatment plant Consistency.
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    Project for the supply of PDRs for FLS machines and other items for water production at the PHSB site
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    Project for the supply of industrial batteries for the BOUCRAA site Consistency of the project
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    Nursing care services in emergency departments Medical and social support for employee
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline24 Sep 2024
    This file consists of supplying Telemecanique spare parts: RACK 4 POSITION ETHERNET + BUS XP/M580 .
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline24 Sep 2024
    Purchase of spare belts For more details, please see the technical brief attached to the RFI
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline24 Sep 2024
    This contract consists of carrying out floor renovation and wall painting work on.
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline24 Sep 2024
    100KVA power transformers must provide power to auxiliaries and must have
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline25 Sep 2024
    Acquisition of two dump trucks for the General Means entity of PHOSBOUCRAA
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline25 Sep 2024
    Drinking Water Supply Works In The Kadi Ayad District In The Commune Of Mtioua, Chefchaouen Province - In Three Lots: Civil Engineering, Pipes And Equipment -
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline18 Sep 2024
    Construction Works Of A Day Clinic At The Jebha Center In The Commune Of Mtioua - Lot 2: Electricity: High Current & Low Current - Chefchaouen Province
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    Construction Works Of A Day Clinic At The Jebha Center In The Commune Of Mtioua - Lot 3: Fluids - Province Of Chefchaouen
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    Replacement Works Of 51 School Classes In The Municipalities Of Bouhouda, Tafrant, Timdit, Fnassa Bab Lhit, Bouchabel, Sidi El Abed, Sidi M’Hamed Ben Lehcen, Ain Aicha, Moulay Bouchta, Msassa And Moulay Abdelkrim - Province Of Taounate “In 5 Lots”
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline07 Oct 2024
    Completion Work On The Construction Of A Shopping Center In The Commune Of Aknoul, Province Of Taza
    country Morocco
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline08 Oct 2024

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