20 Live Notices for 苏里南招标
Showing 1 to 20
Sustainable Forest Management Specialist
Sustainable Forest Management Specialist
Administrative Assistant (Ic)
Provision for one (1) Vehicle for the U.S. Embassy Paramaribo
Strengthening the water core dike along Brantimakkaweg in Weg naar Zee in the Paramaribo district
The collection of household waste per district in Paramaribo and Wanica
Supply of waste containers for the Ministry of Public Works
Supply of safety equipment for the Ministry of Public Works
Administrative Assistant (Ic)
Financial Management Officer; Staffing Of The Saramacca Canal Unit: Consulting Services Of Financial Management Officer
Procurement Assistant (Ic)
M & E Officer (Ic)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P166187- Competitiveness And Sector Diversification - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P165973- Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P166187- Competitiveness And Sector Diversification - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P165973- Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P166187- Competitiveness And Sector Diversification - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P165973- Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P165973- Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project - Procurement Plan (English)