17 Live Notices for Licitaciones Palaos
Showing 1 to 17
Ta-9716 Reg: Supporting Ambitious Climate Action Through Implementation Of Developing Member Countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (Subproject 1) - Pal National Climate Change Specialist (52004-002)
Provision of Landscaping & Grounds-Keeping services to the Belau National Hospital
Provision of Bureau of Environment with Consultancy Services for the Development of the Micronesia Challenge 2030
Povision of Malakal Roof Replacement & Repair
Providing Math Instructional Coaching to support the Ministry’s Math Program, PHS Math Track, Math Specialists and Math Teachers in all Palau Schools.
Provide the Ministry of Education with Language Arts instructional coaching for teachers and training specialists in Palau Schools.
Provide an Office Space for the Division of Behavioral Health
Provision of assist the Bureau of Aviation in the landscaping and maintenance of the Palau International Airport’s exterior perimeter fence
Provide the Belau National Hospital with Medical Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Services
Provide the Office of Climate Change with multiple services and positions: •Digital Products Professional Services •Climate Finance Expert – International Consultant •GEDSI and Climate Change Specialist •Research on Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change Adaptation/Disaster Risk Reduction
Loan 42439-013: Pal - Koror-Airai Sanitation Project
Loan 42439-013: Pal - Koror-Airai Sanitation Project
Loan 42439-013: Pal - Koror-Airai Sanitation Project
Provision of performing the duties of an external evaluator for the State Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 of the program.
Provide an Instructional Leadership Coach for the Ministry of Education’s Instructional Lead Team for Palau Schools Accreditation
Provision of recruiting a Reading Specialist/Consultant(s) to assist the Ministry in implementing Tier 1 evidence-based phonics instruction in kindergarten through second grade for Project Year 2024-2025