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Moldova Gov Tenders

Government tenders from Moldova

Moldova's government procurement involves around 40% of its annual contracts, averaging roughly $10,000 each. Over 10,000 contracts are awarded yearly, with 70% going through the centralized e-procurement platform, MTender. 40% of contracts centralized: Moldova's government procurement system centralizes roughly 40% of its annual contracts. $10,000 average contract value: Contracts awarded through the system average around $10,000 each. 10,000+ contracts awarded annually: Over 10,000 contracts are awarded through the system each year. 70% on e-procurement platform: The MTender platform handles roughly 70% of all government procurement contracts.

Find all government tenders from Moldova with 100% accuracy. Government of Moldova tenders are covered from all departments including -

  • Moldova Ministries Tenders
  • Moldova Central Departments tenders
  • Moldova Councils tenders
  • Moldova Municipalities tenders
  • Moldova Cities tenders
  • Moldova State tenders

Moldova government awards contracts for goods and services across all industries. The most popular categories for Moldova government procurement are -

  • Moldova Security Services Tenders
  • Moldova Transportation Tenders
  • Moldova Renewable Energy Tenders
  • Moldova Defence Tenders
  • Moldova Healthcare Tenders
  • Moldova Pharma Tenders
  • Moldova Software Tenders
  • Moldova Construction Tenders
  • Moldova Consultancy Tenders
  • Moldova Agricultural tenders

Moldova Government releases various kinds of tenders -

  • Moldova RFP - A document outlining the Moldova government's requirements for a proposed project or service, inviting vendors to submit detailed proposals.
  • Moldova RFQ - An RFQ is sent to potential suppliers to solicit specific pricing for goods or services by the Moldova's government.
  • Moldova RFI - Request for Information is released by the Moldova's agencies to gather general information from potential suppliers about their capabilities and offerings, before issuing a formal request for proposals (RFP) or request for quotes (RFQ)
  • Moldova EOI - An EOI is published by Moldova's authorities as a preliminary inquiry to gauge interest and capability before issuing a formal tender.
  • Moldova General Procurement Notice - A General Procurement Notice (GPN) is a public announcement by Moldova about upcoming procurement opportunities for goods, services, or works, inviting interested suppliers to express their interest and prepare for further bidding processes.
  • Moldova Pre-qualification - A pre-qualification notice is released by country Moldova's government departments to filter potential bidders based on skills and resources before a formal bidding begins.
  • Moldova Projects - Projects come much before tenders in the project life-cycle. Projects are "broad" notices indicating the sector in which the buyer will procure goods or services in future. This helps manufacturers/suppliers to get ready and arrange for resources for the future big orders by Moldova's government.
  • Moldova Contract Awards - Contract Awards is the official announcement by country Moldova's government of the winning bidder for a previously advertised project by containing the contractor details, bid amount etc.
Tags - Government tenders Moldova, Moldova ministry tenders, Moldova central government tenders, Moldova government procurement, Moldova federal bids

613 Live Notices for Government tenders from Moldova

Showing 1 to 20

“Achiziționarea Medicamentelor În Scopul Realizării Programului Național De Control Al Cancerului Pentru Anul 2025”
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline18 Oct 2024
“Achiziționarea Medicamentelor Necesare Pentru Realizarea Programului Național De Combatere A Hepatitelor Virale B, C Și D, Pentru Anul 2025”
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline21 Oct 2024
Mobilier De Birou
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline23 Sep 2024
Reabilitarea Trotuarului Cu Amenajarea Locurilor De Parcare Publică Pe Terenul Cu Nr. Cadastral 0100512.507 Din Str. Onisifor Ghibu, Mun. Chișinău
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline10 Oct 2024
Lucrări ,,Replanificarea Încăperilor De La Nivelurile Ii-Vii Din Imobilul Cu Nr. Cadastral 0100419.113.01, Cu Renovarea/Modernizarea Fațadelor, Situat În Mun. Chișinău, Str. Constantin Tănase Nr.9”
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline06 Nov 2024
Iluminare Și Accesorii Pentru Iluminare În Îm „Gradina Zoologică
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline23 Sep 2024
Produse, Durabile, Personalizate Cu Logotipul Guvernului Republicii Moldova
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline21 Sep 2024
Pungi Personalizate Cu Logo
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline28 Sep 2024
Lucrări De Elaborare A Proiectului Tehnic Privind Reparația Capitală A Cazărmii, Din Cadrul Brigăzii 3 Infanterie Motorizată, Mun. Cahul
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline30 Sep 2024
Construcția Grădiniței S.Bîc, Com. Bubuieci, Mun. Chișinău
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline11 Oct 2024
Lucrari De Reparatie La Unele Edificii Din Cadrul Atas Centru-Est
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline07 Oct 2024
Produse Alimentare Pentru Instituțiile Preșcolare Trimestrul Iii, 2024
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline23 Sep 2024
Установка Водоотводных Лотков И Ремонт Дорожного Полотна, С. Томай, Р-Н Ч-Лунга
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline18 Oct 2024
Procurarea Mobilierului Pentru Gradinita
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline01 Oct 2024
Achizitia Piese De Schimb Pentru Tehnica De Calcul
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline02 Oct 2024
Achizitia Contoare Electronice Trifazate
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline02 Oct 2024
Achiziționarea Cărbunelui Am (Oresca) 13-25Mm
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline20 Sep 2024
Servicii De Digitizare A Arhivei (Scanarea Dosarelor În Baza De Date Existente)
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline07 Oct 2024
Овощи И Фрукты 4 Триместр 2024
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline23 Sep 2024
Rețele Electrice Exterioare ,,Construcția Iluminatului Public Stradal În Satele Tănătarii Noi Și Ursoaia Nouă, Raionul Căușeni.”
country Moldova
posting date16 Sep 2024
deadline30 Sep 2024