Solicitation Notice For Janitorial Service, U. S. Mission Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman
1 Magnetic Stirrer,2 Magnetic Stirrer,3 Bench Guard,(Bench Protector),4 Water 200Ml Cups,5 Dessicator,6 Rack,7 Gloves,8 Gloves,9 Test Tube Racks,10 Beakers,5000Ml,11 Mask,12 Burette,13 Blades, Scalpel, S2646,14 Petri Dishes,15 Gloves,16 Lab Coat,17 Thermometer,18 Adhesive Labels,19 Separating Funnel,20 Micro Pipette,21 Micro Pipette,22 Dessicator Cover,23 Dessicator,24 Funnels,25 Funnels,26 Beakers, 1000Ml,27 Beakers,250Ml,28 Funnels,29 Round Bottom Flask 250Ml,30 Desiccator,31 Gloves,32 Gloves,33 Gloves,34 Bench Guard,(Bench Protector)
1 Pots,2 Ecl0401094L Hacksaw Blades,3 Fan,4 Mospilan,5 Basta Herbicide,6 Adhesive Labels,7 Tape,8 Round Up Herbicide,9 Cooling Pad 60X22X10,10 Vermiculite, Bag/100 Liter,11 Potting Soil (80L)
1 Dispenser Bottle,2 Burette 50Ml, Ptfe Stopcock,3 Wash Bottle 500Ml (White),4 Chemicals,5 Violet Red Bile Lactose Agar,6 Thermometer,7 Thermometer
1 Stethoscopes
1 Lab Coat,2 Lab Coat
1 1-Hexene,2 Acetic Anhydride,3 Phosphoric Acid,4 Bromine Acs Reagent, ?99.5%,5 Hydrogen Peroxide 35%,6 Sulfuric Acid 98%,7 Hydrochloric Acid,8 Dichloromethane,9 Hexane,10 Diethyl Ether Ar,11 Methanol Ar,12 Ethyl Acetate (Ar),13 Acetone,14 Acetone
1 Filter Paper,2 Syringe,3 Syringe Filter 0.45Um,4 Vials,5 Vials 7Ml,6 Vials,7 Vials 2Ml,8 Bottle,9 Bottle,10 Bottle,11 Bottle,12 Capillary Tubes,13 Pipette Filler (Rubber Teats),14 Glass Bottles, 30Ml,15 Filter Paper,16 Coors Porcelain Crucibles,17 Conical Flasks, Glass, Wide Neck, 100 Ml,18 Non-Srerile Pasteure Pipette,19 Consumables,20 Labels,21 Labels,22 Labels
1 Biohazard Autoclave Bags,2 Autoclavable Bage, Large,3 Falcon Tube 15Ml,4 Pipette Pump Ii Red,5 Magnetic Stir Bars, Assortment/Pack, Fis,6 Buchner Funnels,7 Buchner Funnels,8 Bottle-Top Vaccum Filter System,9 Bottle-Top Vaccum Filter System,10 Buchner Funnels
1 Micropipet Tips,2 Micropipet Tips,3 Micropipet Tips
1 Blood Typing Antisera (A/B),2 Arabidopsis Columbia (Col-0),3 Electromax? A. Tumefaciens Lba4404 Cells,4 Petri Dishes,5 Dna Loading Dye
1 Western Blotting Filter Paper, Extra Thick, 8.5 Cm X 9 Cm,2 Clarity Western Ecl Substrate,3 Biorad Dna Fingerprinting Kit,4 Gmo Investigator Kit,5 Alt-R Crispr
1 Strong Motion Seismic Station
Artificial Intelligence (Ai) And Anomaly Detection Tool (Ai Forensic Tool
Design And Build Of (Quroon Alsayd) Playground In The Wilayat Of Dibba
Design And Build Of Dibba Public Park (Phase 1)
Implementation And Maintenance Of The General Council'S Parking Lots In Wilayat Of Dibba
Design And Build Of (Ansour) Playground In The Wilayat Of Dibba
Fabrication, Supply And Installation Of Height Restriction Signs For Al Jabal Road (Pre-25-059)
'The Blood Pressure Is A Blood Pressure