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Global Government Tenders

Most trusted source for Tendering Opportunities and Business Intelligence since 2002

Government Tenders and Bids from countries in South America

Below is the latest information on Government Tenders Government Contracts, Government Public Tenders from South America Region. The Government Public Tenders information from South America Region is sourced from eprocurement portals, central eprocurement system, journals, periodicals, online bidding website.

Government tenders are public procurement opportunities that are advertised by government agencies or departments to invite bids from private companies or individuals to provide goods or services to the government. These tenders are usually published on government websites or in local newspapers and are open for a specified period of time.

The process of government tendering usually involves the following steps:

Notice: The government agency or department publishes a notice inviting bids for a specific project or service.

Bidding: Interested parties submit their bids, which include a proposal detailing how they plan to deliver the goods or services required by the government.

Evaluation: The bids are evaluated by the government agency or department based on a set of criteria, such as price, quality, and experience.

Award: The government agency or department awards the contract to the bidder that meets the evaluation criteria and is deemed to be the best fit for the project or service.

Implementation: The winning bidder executes the project or service according to the terms of the contract.

GlobalTenders, one of the largest and most trusted sources for Tendering opportunities and Business Intelligence. With the aim of making information easier to access, Global Tenders was established as a business connect platform in 2002. GlobalTenders has more than two decades of experience in tender business.

On GlobalTenders you'll find the most comprehensive and authentic South America Tenders Database. GlobalTenders collects tender notices, contract awards, procurement opportunities from various sources in South America. Some of sources for South America Government Contracts and Tenders are:

Government Tenders Sites from countries in South America
Ministry Tenders Sites from countries in South America
Government Tender Bulletins from countries in South America
eTendering System from countries in South America
Central Government Tenders Websites from countries in South America
Public Procurement System from countries in South America
eTender Portal from countries in South America
Tender Periodicals from countries in South America
Government Eprocurement Sites from countries in South America
Government Department Tenders Sites from countries in South America
State Government Tenders Sites from countries in South America
Municipal Corporation Tenders from countries in South America

Global Tenders, through its proprietary algorithms offers an advanced yet simple to use search option through which the notices can be filtered according to the keywords, sectors, regions, product classifier, deadline, estimated cost with an option to export the results or set as daily email alerts.

Industry Sectors/Categories Covered from countries in South America:
We cover all the industry segments from countries in South America related to Tender Notices, Contract Awards, Procurement News etc. Some of the main sectors/categories are as below: Agriculture Tenders from countries in South America
Airports Tenders from countries in South America
Aviation Tenders from countries in South America
Banking And Finance Tenders from countries in South America
Bridges Tenders from countries in South America
Building Tenders from countries in South America
Construction Materials Tenders from countries in South America
Consultancy Tenders from countries in South America
Defence Tenders from countries in South America
Education and Training Tenders from countries in South America
Energy, Power and Electrical Tenders from countries in South America
Environment and Pollution Tenders from countries in South America
Fire Safety and Security Tenders from countries in South America
Healthcare and Medicine Tenders from countries in South America
Information Technology(IT) Tenders from countries in South America
Infrastructure and construction Tenders from countries in South America
Marine Tenders from countries in South America
Metals and non metals Tenders from countries in South America
Minerals and Mining Tenders from countries in South America
Non-Renewable Energy Tenders from countries in South America
Oil And Gas Tenders from countries in South America
Railways Tenders from countries in South America
Renewable Energy Tenders from countries in South America
Roads and Highways Tenders from countries in South America
Software Services Tenders from countries in South America
Sports and leisure Tenders from countries in South America
Technology Hardware and Equipment Tenders from countries in South America
Telecommunications Tenders from countries in South America
Transportation Tenders from countries in South America
Travel and Tourism Tenders from countries in South America
Tunnels Tenders from countries in South America
Water and Sanitation Tenders from countries in South America

A complete list of sectors covered by GlobalTenders can be found in the Country Sectors Section

Tags: Government Tenders from South America, South America Business Leads, South America Govt. Bids, South America Government Global Tenders, South America Procurement Notices, South America International Tenders, RFPs, RFQs, EOI, ICBs, Government South America Software Tenders, Govt.South America Consultancy Tenders, Chemical Tenders, Electrical Tenders, Defence Tenders, Railway Tenders

Global Gateway Facility Colombia: Network Of Institutional Alliances
Notice Type:
Tender Notice
25 Mar 2025
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025
Professional Sy Sy Provision Of Management Sy
Estimated Cost:
COP 23536000
Notice Type:
Contract Award
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025
Provide Professional Services As An Environmental Engineer In The Secretary Of Citizen Security And Coexistence In The Framework Of The Project Called The Institutional Strengthening Of The Adm Processes
Estimated Cost:
COP 23100000
Notice Type:
Contract Award
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025
Buy Computer Equipment
Estimated Cost:
COP 40000000
Notice Type:
Contract Award
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025
Provide Management Services As A Workshop Of The Artistic Training Program In Interpretation Of Instrumental Music Llanera And Musical Initiation In The Municipality Of Villavicencio - Met
Estimated Cost:
COP 11200000
Notice Type:
Contract Award
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025
Provision Of Professional Services As A Lawyer For Legal Support To The Activities Associated With The Projects Attached To Inter -Administrative Contracts Signed By The Entity
Estimated Cost:
COP 23076822
Notice Type:
Contract Award
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025
Professional Services Provision
Estimated Cost:
COP 88000000
Notice Type:
Contract Award
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025
Legal Support, Technician For The Acquisition Of Land In Accordance With Current Regulations, In The General Secretary Of The Municipality Of Rionegro, In Compliance With The Inter -Administrative Agreement No. 10.
Estimated Cost:
COP 16445900
Notice Type:
Contract Award
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025
Alexandra Patricia Castro Fernandez
Estimated Cost:
COP 22500000
Notice Type:
Contract Award
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025
Professional Services Provision Contract In The Technical Directorate Of Quality And Provision Of Health Services, Supporting The Search Activity Of Health Service Providers Does Not Enable
Estimated Cost:
COP 14800000
Notice Type:
Contract Award
Posting Date:
10 Mar 2025