21 Live Notices for スリナムテンダー
Showing 1 to 21
Supplying paint, painting materials and a trailer for the bridges and scaffolding department of the Ministry of Public Works
Constructing retaining walls and building a pumping station including supplying and installing 2 submersible pumps and carrying out associated work at Sophia's Lust
Supplying an off-road vehicle in A1 condition or new for the Ministry of Public Works
Making the access road to the Moengo stadium and the connecting road to the village, behind the stadium, passable, as well as cleaning up the adjacent drainage ditches, in the Marowijne district
Supply, processing and compaction of paving and shell sand on the grounds of the Petten polder school community in the Nickerie district and the performance of associated works, including mowing, installing yard wells and connecting to existing sewers
Business Plan For Das
Development Of Market-Ready, Bankable Pipelines For Just Energy Transition In Th
Development Of Market-Ready, Bankable Pipelines For Just Energy Transition In Th
Provision of The collection of household waste per district in the Nickerie district for the Garbage Collection Department of the Ministry of Public Works
Supplying computers and office chairs for the Research & Services Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works
supply, installation and operational delivery of two traffic control machines for the traffic monitoring and digital technology department of the Traffic and Mobility Sub-Directorate
Design and Build Services for Potable Water Production Treatment and Distribution Systems
Serbia - Europe And Central Asia- P164824- Enabling Digital Governance Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P504548- Suriname Preparedness And Enhancing Resilient Communities Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P165973- Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P165973- Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P166187- Competitiveness And Sector Diversification - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P166187- Competitiveness And Sector Diversification - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P165973- Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Suriname - Latin America And Caribbean- P165973- Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project - Procurement Plan (English)