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알제리 입찰자

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    194 Live Notices for 알제리 입찰자

    Showing 1 to 20

    Acquisition of FFP2 protective masks for the benefit of the Pasteur Institute of Algeria
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    Supply of Hardware Products for the Central Services of Blida 2 University
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline22 Sep 2024
    Provision of or the construction of the new headquarters in accordance with the master plan 1st phase (multi-storey car park) in Dely brahim./Algiers.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline14 Nov 2024
    Acquisition of a test bench for electric motors (AC, DC and EC/BLDC).
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline29 Oct 2024
    Acquisition of sensors, actuators and electromechanical kits
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline29 Oct 2024
    supply, installation and commissioning of equipment for a cardiac catheterization room for the cardiology department.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline14 Oct 2024
    Acquisition of 58 working Belgian Malinois shepherd dogs.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline13 Nov 2024
    Provision of study of a master plan and extension with VRD DE TROIS 503° UNIT2S 0 ARZEW.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline13 Nov 2024
    Provision of study of the construction of infrastructure in MECHRIA.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline13 Nov 2024
    supply of sports equipment, effects and arenas.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline15 Dec 2024
    Provision of the work of completing the construction of a fuel unit/Algiers.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline29 Sep 2024
    Provision of of a fuel unit to increase storage capacity in Ain Oussara
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline29 Sep 2024
    Provision of construction, including equipment, of a conference room at the general management of the clothing and sleeping establishment
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline10 Nov 2024
    Acquisition of a data leak prevention (DLP) solution.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline10 Nov 2024
    Provision of f technical support for a URL filtering solution.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline10 Nov 2024
    Provision of laboratory redevelopment work
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline10 Oct 2024
    Provision of construction of infrastructure (works and VRD) for the benefit of a military unit in JIJEL.
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline11 Oct 2024
    Provision for Installing electrical and telephone networks and centers
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    supply of construction materials
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline01 Oct 2024
    Construction of 200 housing units
    country Algeria
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline25 Sep 2024

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